FRUGAL TIP: 24+ Make-Your-Own Face Masks
Face Mask w/ Eye Shield |
My 32 year old son works in a grocery store where several other co-workers got sick, and a fellow employee died of Covid-19. My son also got sick, and though he never got as sick as I did, he is still not recovered completely
So yes, I wear my mask whenever I leave my home or someone comes to my house. I keep a 6ft distance from everyone but my family I live with.
Inside my cloth mask, is a 5-layer PM2.5 filter, which includes an activated carbon filter layer. It's not as good as a N95 mask, but I also have one of those and a surgical mask to wear (given to me by the hospital), should I need it.
American Flag Face_Mask |
CDC recommends people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when othersocial distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
Cloth face coverings may help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others.
Cloth face coverings are most likely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when they are widely used by people in public settings.
Read more: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
DIY Face Masks To Sew |
What We Know So Fardocuments are intended to provide an overview of some of the published and unpublished reports related to emerging issues with respect to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The reports are found through ongoing scanning of the published literature and scientific grey literature (e.g., ProMed, CIDRAP, Johns Hopkins Situation Reports), as well as media reports.
Read more:
If you choose NOT to wear a mask, I guess that is your choice, but one that affects not only you but everyone you come into contact with.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Mythbusters
Read for more info: COVID-19 Mythbusters – World Health Organization

GlassesShield: Full Face Protection |
π· C.D.C. Weighs Advising Everyone to Wear a Mask.
π· Testing the Efficacy of Homemade Masks: Would They Protect in an Influenza Pandemic?
We should all agree any available medical masks should be reserved for hospitals and emergency workers. So, if you want a mask, you can to make it yourself.
A homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals,Cambridge researchers wrote,
but it would be better than no protection.
A vacuum cleaner bag was considered the most formidable household material with a rate of nearly 86 percent protection against the smallest particles tested. Falling behind was a standard dish towel at nearly 73 percent; a cotton-blend T-shirt at 70 percent; and an antimicrobial pillowcase at 68 percent.according to The New York Post
Here are some DIY ideas!
π· Calling All People Who Sew And Make: You Can Help Make Masks For 2020 Healthcare Worker PPE Shortage
-- A significant movement, perhaps even a revolution of epic noble intentions, is underway in hackerspaces, makerspaces, and sewing groups to come together and solve a problem to save lives at risk with the Coronavirus.
Read more: Calling All People Who Sew And Make: You Can Help Make Masks For 2020 Healthcare Worker PPE Shortage
Black Lives Matter Mask |
-- After seeing the N95 shortage gripping the nation's healthcare workers, HP Inc., and partners have mobilized to create 3D printed face mask and face shield solutions, plus a few other innovative ideas, to keep people safe during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Read more: Calling All Makers With 3D Printers: Join Critical Mission To Make Face Masks And Shields For 2020 Healthcare Workers
π· How to Make a Face Mask
-- Make them for yourself, your family, and friends. If you are feeling ambitious, you can also make them for organizations that need masks. Includes a database to help connect individuals and companies making masks to those organizations needing masks.
Read more: How to Make a Face Mask - Deaconess
π· How to Sew a Face Mask
-- A tutorial on how to make your own fabric face mask from common household materials.
Read more: How to Sew a Face Mask
Child's Cotton Mask with Shield |
-- Sewers and preppers have lately been flooding social media with designs for DIY masks made out of household materials — some T-shirt fabric, elastic ribbon and a little bit of stitching.
Read more: It's Time to Make Your Own Face Mask
π· What Are The Best Materials for Making DIY Masks?
-- Data shows DIY and homemade masks are effective at capturing viruses. But if forced to make our own mask, what material is best suited to make a mask? As the coronavirus spread around China, netizens reported making masks with tissue paper, kitchen towels, cotton clothing fabrics, and even oranges!
Read more: What Are The Best Materials for Making DIY Masks?
π· How to make an effective face mask at home
-- You can make a face mask at home with common materials, regardless of whether you know how to sew. Here's how.
Read more: How to make an effective face mask at home
π· Make your own face mask — no sewing machine required
-- This tutorial is a simple project for people who don't have a sewing machine, adapted from MakerMask by Helpful Engineering, a global open-source COVID-19 project.
Read more: Make your own face mask — no sewing machine required
Reusable Cotton Masks |
-- There is more than one way to construct a mask. Can't get a hold of elastic string? Try ponytail bands, rubber bands or simple baker's twine for tying. And while wrapping a bandana around your face might look pretty badass, it's not the most effective material at blocking virus particles, according to a 2013 Cambridge University study on how household materials hold up against micron-size particles and viruses.
Read more: Doctors are now running out of face masks — here's how to make your own
π· DIY Cloth Face Mask
-- Mask pattern PDF (reg size) and child-size pattern. Plus some new informative links related to cloth mask effectiveness and other relevant topics. Lastly, I've added a section about FILTERS. Keep sewing and keep safe!
Read more: DIY Cloth Face Mask
π· DIY Face Mask – 8 Steps in Making Protective Gear
-- In the past few weeks, lab tests were conducted on the efficacy of surgical mask after washing and sterilizing. Scientific analysis of safety and effectiveness was also conducted on do-it-yourself (DIY) face masks which could provide an alternative for the public to alleviate the acute shortage of face masks.
Read more: DIY Face Mask – 8 Steps in Making Protective Gear
π· Everything you need to know about making your own face mask
-- You won't be arrested or for sure infected, if you don't wear a face mask, but it's not a bad idea to have some sort of face-covering on hand right now, particularly if you live in a dense area.
Read more: Everything you need to know about making your own face mask
Protective Face Shield for Kids |
-- Hong Kong scientists reveal a temporary solution for those unable to get protective gear because of panic buying and price-gouging. Lab tests by City University find home-made masks achieve 80 to 90 percent function of regular ones in terms of filtration of aerosol and droplets.
Read more: How to make your own mask
π· Make your own face mask with these simple step-by-step guides
-- Japanese netizens have been getting crafty, sharing tips and tricks on making DIY face masks from paper towels, handkerchiefs, or even old bras. To be clear: no homemade mask is as effective as a proper surgical face mask, but if the store-bought kind isn't readily available, and you've got some spare time at home this weekend, then grab a ruler and some scissors and try making one of these.
Read more: Make your own face mask with these simple step-by-step guides
Sewing Patterns for Face Masks |
π· How To Make a No-Sew Face Mask Out of a T-Shirt
-- With just a t-shirt and some rubber bands, you can construct a no-sew mask you can wear again and again.
π· How to Make a No-Sew Mask
-- A no-sew mask is a quick project anyone can do — you don't need to be particularly crafty or have experience with a needle and thread.
π· 10 Free DIY Face Masks to Sew
-- Use these free sewing patterns and templates to sew up a DIY face mask you can donate to a hospital, medical office, health care workers, or other essential employees.
π· Face Mask Sewing Patterns Roundup
-- Here's a list of some of the best face mask sewing patterns I could find on the internet.
Read more: Face Mask Sewing Patterns Roundup
For more information, here are eight common coronavirus health myths, how to sanitize your house and car, and answers to all your questions about coronavirus and COVID-19.
Category: DIY, frugal ideas, frugal tips, make your own, make-your-own, sewing