Frugal Ideas and Fun Crafts (ALL)
Homemade Slime aka GAK
-- Have you ever made slime? My boys loved this!
Sara Wells says, that 97% of home projects require the same two ingredients. Elmer's glue and borax.
This will be a fun project for your kids, just make sure to supervise and make sure they are old enough to understand slime is not something they should eat.
Grab what you need to make your own or ready-made on Amazon
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-- What a great way to save money - and recycle your old towels!
This looks easy enough to hand sew, if you don't have a sewing machine.
Since it is reversible, you could even do one side terrycloth, and the other side fleece!
Check on Amazon for more cloth Swiffer cover options!
Photo credit: BerlinsWhimsy.
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Soda Pop Bottle Planters
-- These sub-irrigation (aka
self-watering) planters are as good as any you can buy, maybe even better than you can buy... and they're free.
Check on Amazon for more self-watering planters.
Photo credit: Bob Hyland
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Category: CDN, children, crafts, DIY, frugal tips, fun ideas, make your own, US, worldwide
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