
July 16, 2018

GOOD IDEA... or WASTE OF MONEY? Angry Mama Microwave Oven Cleaner

Image: Angry Mama Microwave Oven Cleaner| Use steam to clean the crud from your microwave! | just add vinegar and water, then microwave for 7 minutesWhat do you think of this Angry Mama?

This is a game - Each day I post a picture of a product and everyone can chime in with their thoughts...

Use steam to clean the crud from your microwave! just add vinegar and water, then microwave for 7 minutes. The steam comes out of mama's head and softens microwave dirt and stains for easier cleaning!

  • Powerful non toxic microwave cleaning with all natural steam power.
  • Even tough dried spots and microwave odors are no match for Angry Mama.
  • Works better than a microwave sponge for cleaning stuck-on spots, splatters and spills.
  • Microwave oven cleaner cleans disinfects and deodorizes with water and natural vinegar cleaner.
  • Incredible steam cleaning at the push of a button. BPA-free.
  • Add a squeeze of lemon Juice (or essence) to Liquid for a pleasant odor

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