What do you think of this 2D Glasses?
At least 10% of the population has a bad experience with 3D for one reason or another (such as headaches, nausea or epilepsy to name a few).
Now you won't feel left out when everyone else is watching 3D - you can enjoy the movie in 2D just as if it was any other normal movie.
Works with all home Passive 3D televisions and in all RealD Theaters.
Who has the best price? Usually it the US Amazon site, but sometimes it IS the Canadian or UK site!
Shop USA ~ Shop Canada ~ Shop UK
Check out what the fans on Facebook had to say!:
GOOD IDEA... or WASTE OF MONEY?What do you think of this 2D Glasses? -- At least 10% of the population has a bad...
Posted by Frugal Freebies on Thursday, 23 July 2015
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Category: amazon, electronics, gift ideas, good idea
Tried to see if I could get them to ship to Canada, and when I hit send, I got this message:
501 Not Implemented
We are sorry to be unable to perform the method POST at this time or to this document.