Joyce saved over $500 using coupons! You must be asking yourself, how can you save so much money in one grocery store trip?
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Have you heard about all the excitement surrounding “couponing” - how coupons can save you TONS of cash?
Being a couponer has become increasingly popular recently because of all the buzz, television shows, and media that has been seen on how to save a lot of money just by using coupons.
A couponer is someone who frequently uses coupons at grocery and retail stores to save money on their total bill.
Taking it a step further is the “Power Couponer” who is a couponer who takes it to the next level by saving tons of money every time they go to the grocery store, retail outlet, or online websites. A power couponer never pays full price for anything at a store or online!
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If you are still paying retail at the store, you NEED to learn these tips and tricks of becoming a “Power Couponer”.

• How you can save hundreds of dollars just by using coupons.
• PLUS... her step-by-step techniques on couponing.
It’s true for almost everyone that in this tough economy, every little penny counts. If you take advantage of learning the inside secrets of a Power Couponer, it will enable you to never pay full price for anything again!
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! Get the complete eBook of all of Abby's couponing secrets and learn how you too can become a Power Couponer today!
Take advantage of this offer today and order at 60% the original price of this ebook and membership. Get it today for only $9.97 instead of the regular $27 price!
(Price includes the 27 quality page ebook and exclusive members forum access!)
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Stock Photo Credit: Michael Coté
Some rights reserved by cote
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!
Don't request every offer you see. Only request those that really interest you, or will donate to charity.
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