
November 22, 2017

FREEBIE: Eye Facts Posters and Activity Books (ALL)

Image: Free Eye Facts for Children Posters and activity book
These FREE posters and activity books are a great way to learn more about the eyes and provides an opportunity to promote the importance of healthy vision to school-aged children.

Children's Eye Safety - Gear Up! Poster:
-- Find fun facts about eyes and eye injuries, as well as sports trivia. This poster is a great way to inform school-aged children about sports-related eye injuries and the need for protective eyewear. (17" x 11")
Click for free printable PDF version

See All You Can See Fun Fact Calendar:
-- Designed for elementary school-aged children, this foldout calendar is a fun way to learn about the eyes and recognize the importance of healthy vision. The calendar offers 31 interesting tips, facts about sports-related eye injuries, and myth busters about eyes and vision. (17" x 11")
Click for free printable PDF version

See All You Can See Activity Book:
-- Designed for elementary school-aged children, this activity book contains word puzzles, image search games, eye safety tips, classroom projects like cutouts and coloring pages, a glossary, and more to help children learn about parts of the eye, healthy vision, and eye safety. (48 pages)
Click for free printable PDF version

Make Every Day a Healthy Vision Day:
-- 31 fun eye-related facts for children
Click for free printable PDF version

Wild About Healthy Vision Agenda Book:
--Inside this agenda book, you’ll find eye-related myth busters and facts, an eye chart, word puzzles, eye safety tips, a glossary, and activities to help you learn about parts of the eye and how they work, healthy vision and eye diseases, and eye safety. (78 pages)
Click for free printable PDF version

Click to order Free Posters and Books

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