FREEBIE: $5 Zantac Coupon (US)
Heartburn happens. But there are more than a few things you can do to keep the burn at bay.
Some simple changes in your lifestyle can make a big difference in how often you get heartburn — and how severe it is.
Click for some tips to avoid heartburn or keep it from getting worse
If that doesn't help, print out a $5.00 coupon good for any Zantac® purchase.
You'll also be the first to find out about money-saving offers, new games, videos and site updates.
Then just wait till Zantac® is on sale. I hear that CVS has Zantac® for $4.99!
Click for your $5 coupon
(US only)
Reader tip submitted: Not valid in Quebec? Try putting in your postal code, but another province instead of Quebec. It is hit or miss, but she says sometimes she gets the freebie - because the post office sorts by postal code, not province. Let your conscience be your guide on this.
Click for more quick freebie tips
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Great, Thanks!