FREE BOOK: Saving Mars
Saving Mars
(Saving Mars Series-1)
by Cidney Swanson
-- When the food supply of Mars' human settlement is decimated, seventeen-year-old Jessamyn Jaarda, the best pilot Mars Colonial has ever seen, flies to Earth to raid for food.
Earth-Mars relations couldn't be worse, and her brother is captured during the raid.
Breaking rules of secrecy and no contact, Jess finds an ally in Pavel, nephew to a government official, but their friendship only makes more agonizing the choice before her: Save her brother or save her planet?
"What is it that makes you a good pilot, Jess?"
Jess closed her eyes. What made her a good pilot? How was she supposed to know that? "She flies from here," her father had said, pointing to his belly. It was true. She felt things with her gut that others didn't seem to notice. She acted with certainty when others doubted. It led her to take risks where others wouldn't.
"I fly with my gut," said Jess.
Harpreet nodded. "Yes, child. You fly using this intelligence." Harpreet tapped the space over her navel. "Can you learn to call upon your other intelligences?"
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