Kindle Book Freebies - November 1/12
The Wicked Wager
(A Regency Murder Mystery + Romance)
by Anya Wylde
-- The infamous rake, Lord Richard Hamilton, has finally chosen his bride—the very appropriate Miss Emma Grey.
The ton approves, Lord Grey is pleased, Lady Grey delighted, and Emma is over the moon, but her uncle, (the blasted) Duke of Arden opposes the match, and Emma is ordered to move to the duke’s estate to think things over.
Richard Hamilton refuses to take things lying down and concocts a plan. A plan that should have brought the lovers together and had them married within a month. It was a simple matter of masquerading as the duke’s gardener, compromising the lady, and then having the duke rush them off to Gretna Green.
Alas, he underestimates the duke’s intelligence and the tangled situation on the estate—never had he imagined that compromising a lady could be so difficult.
His endeavors lead to a comedy of errors, charades, and knotty love affairs. Yet he forges ahead in spite of pesky house guests, a flea bitten mattress, his lovesick best friend, and a blackmailer.
Just when things seem to be going well, someone is murdered (very inconvenient), and he happens to be one of the suspects (extremely inconvenient).
His simple plan for winning the wager suddenly becomes … a tad complicated.
Length: 233 pages
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The Wicked Wager
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(The Sanders Family Series)
by Suzanne D Williams
-- For Adele Davis, the loss of her husband during the war in Vietnam leaves her with unanswered questions and a decision -- whether to love again.
For Amos and Elizabeth Sanders, it is the absence of their precious son which brings sorrow and pain. Yet a twist of fate gives them something far greater.
For Molly and Doug Sanders, war brings too many secrets, secrets which all but destroy their marriage. Can they find their love again?
Three generations of one family tied together across time through the powerful forces of love and war.
Length: 254 pages
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Darryl Robert Schoon
-- In this novel, noted economic speaker and author, Darryl Robert Schoon explores a completely different world. In "You Can’t Always Get What You Want" the protagonist gives a beautiful woman a ride home where he finds she’s a lesbian whose lover is his former lawyer.
What he discovers plunges him to a world of danger and intrigue he had previously forsworn. But his desire for a beautiful woman is stronger than his fears and he discovers a destiny far different than he had ever imagined.
This action-packed story will leave the reader breathless.
Length: 268 pages
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You Can't Always Get What You Want
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Harry Steinman
-- What happens when abusive parents raise brilliant children? You might get a saint. You might get a killer. Or you might get one of each.
Young Eva Rozen witnessed her sister's brutal murder, and barely escaped with her life. Eva survived by finding refuge from madness in the orderly world of science. Twenty-five years later, this master of nanotechnology is on her way to becoming the world's richest woman... and the most dangerous.
Marta Cruz also endured a troubled childhood. The early death of her mother and her father's incarceration left her an orphan, and a crippling disease left her in pain. Marta's refuge? A tropical rainforest where she discovers plants with miraculous healing properties.
The two girls meet in high school and form an uneasy friendship that lasts through college. Eva wants power, profit - and Marta's husband. She offers to fund Marta's public health dreams in exchange for the ailing physician's knowledge of plant-based medicines. Together, they build NMech, which becomes the world's largest nanotech manufacturer.
When the unstable Eva has a psychotic break, and attacks the people who rely on NMech for survival, only Marta can stand between Eva and the death of millions. But Marta is a healer, not a fighter, and must rely on her husband and teenaged son, a boy who faces a life-or-death challenge well beyond his years.
Little Deadly Things is the place where science meets the psyche, where the world's fate rests in the hands of a madwoman and in the lives of the family that must stop her.
Length: 368 pages
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Little Deadly Things
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

A Jack McCall Mystery
by David Bishop
-- Washington, D.C., is a town full of powerful people hiding ugly secrets. The blackmailer, a renaissance man, keeps his promise: pay me, I'll return the juicy evidence I have against you, and you'll never hear from me again.
Jack McCall, a former operative for the U.S. intelligence community and now a private investigator hunts this wily and diabolical madman. His victims, having paid and not been further extorted, are reticent to admit ever having been blackmailed.
McCall's efforts to solve the case are assisted by Nora Burke, his sexy assistant who also helps Jack recover from the loss of his wife, and Max Logan, a retired detective of Irish-Scottish parentage.
Chock full of colorful characters from the worlds of politics, art, and the media, The Blackmail Club is a cerebral, physical and sexy five-course gourmet meal of mystery. Sit back and fasten your seatbelt, relax, and be entertained while you try to fit together the final pieces before you turn the final pages.
Length: 368 pages
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The Blackmail Club
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Steve Gierhart, Jennifer Gierhart Jones
-- Huntsville, Alabama lies at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains. It is a city of historical contrasts, at once Antebellum South as well as a modern concourse of technical prowess, a research and development center for the U.S. Army and NASA.
And here is where the McNallys call home.
They are successful professionals with civilian careers on Redstone Arsenal, but their success belies a foundering marriage. Jared, an engineer, is emotionally distant. His wife, Melissa, an intellectual property lawyer, pursues an affair to fill the void left by her husband.
Tipping the scales of their flimsy bond is a journal of a young man, Jacob Thompson. In the 1830s his father owned the plantation Fiery Hill, the original boundary of which includes fifty acres now marking the McNally’s home. Within the diary, Jacob professes a love for a slave girl named Nika, an African brought forcibly to America, not only with chains, but with a secret and dangerous legacy. That legacy is resurrected, and for unknown reasons targets the McNallys.
As a result, Jacob and Nika’s past intersect with Jared and Melissa’s present as all paths lead through an enigmatic African legend borne in the tribal myths of the Mande.
Length: 389 pages
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Shadow of The Conjurer
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Shawn Manaher
-- Marketing with Pinterest begins by explaining the basics of the service as a marketing tool and includes information on Pinterest’s terminology, demographics, and business benefits.
It also helps entrepreneurs develop a Pinterest marketing strategy, highlights a number of helpful tools, and provides insightful questions to determine whether Pinterest is the right marketing channel for a particular business. Readers will learn basic Pinterest etiquette, the art of building a presence and following, as well as critical aspects of monitoring and measuring their results.
Ultimately, the book includes everything an individual seller or big business brand should know about using the channel to market their product and service offerings effectively. If you want to know how to optimize your profile and activities in order to receive the most out of Pinterest as a marketing platform, then Marketing with Pinterest is an excellent resource to have on hand.
What’s more is the book includes an editorial calendar you can use as a guideline for creating your own schedule, as well as tips for improving your SEO strategy through your pinboards and pins.
Length: 60 pages
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Marketing With Pinterest
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Pasquin
-- You wake up one morning and find your supposed-to-be easy senior year of high school is going to be demolished by something called CoreAmerica. Camera crews are everywhere. It's taking over your school, and they're calling it an experiment.
And in the middle of it all is this girl, Everett — man— she has it all. Never in a million years did you ever think you might get her. And she's smiling at you now, boy.
Problem is — to keep her — you'll have to give yourself up.
Hell of a senior year.
Seventeen year old Reed wasn't looking to change the world, just graduate high school. He didn't know he would first have to choose between who he loves and what is right.
Length: 169 pages
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Ten Rallies
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