Kindle Daily Book Bargains - October 7/12
A Scanner Darkly
by Philip K. Dick
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (7 reviews)
-- Bob Arctor is a junkie and a drug dealer, both using and selling the mind-altering Substance D. Fred is a law enforcement agent, tasked with bringing Bob down. It sounds like a standard case.
The only problem is that Bob and Fred are the same person.
Substance D doesn’t just alter the mind, it splits it in two, and neither side knows what the other is doing or that it even exists. Now, both sides are growing increasingly paranoid as Bob tries to evade Fred while Fred tries to evade his suspicious bosses.
In this award-winning novel, friends can become enemies, good trips can turn terrifying, and cops and criminals are two sides of the same coin. Dick is at turns caustically funny and somberly contemplative, fashioning a novel that is as unnerving as it is enthralling.
Length: 307 pages
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A Scanner Darkly or to sample this book for FREE!
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by Eileen Spinelli, Jo Ellen McAllister Stammen
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars (14 reviews)
-- Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1st and up
Five tiny kittens cry for their mama, as smoke begins to fill the abandoned warehouse that has been their home. But Mother Cat has left her cozy heap of kittens to go in search of food.
Determined to save her babies, Mother Cat dashes into the burning building and follows the sounds of frightened mewing.
In five daring acts, she saves each kitten—a true hero cat! This story, accompanied by beautiful illustrations rendered in pastel, honors the tenth anniversary of the real story of a homeless cat who rescued her kittens from a burning building in 1996.
NOTE: This book features Kindle Text Pop-Up for reading text over vivid, full-color images when using Kindle Fire or select free Kindle Reading apps.
Length: 32 pages
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Hero Cat or to sample this book for FREE!
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Scott Nicholson
Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars (15 reviews)
-- When twelve-year-old Freeman Mills arrives at Wendover, a group home for troubled children, it’s a chance for a fresh start. But second chances aren’t easy for Freeman, the victim of painful childhood experiments that gave him the ability to read other people’s minds.
At Wendover, Freeman and the other children are subjected to more secret experiments, organized by a shadowy organization called The Trust. But the experiments do more than open up clairvoyant powers -- the electromagnetic fields used in the experiments are summoning the ghosts of the patients who died at Wendover back when it was a psychiatric ward.
Now a new scientist has been brought into the project, an unstable and cruel pioneer in ESP studies who performed most of his work on a very special subject: his son, Freeman Mills.
Length: 333 pages
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The Home or to sample this book for FREE!
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

by Jean Pardue
Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars (12 reviews)
-- I'll bet you are a busy person just like I am. This is the very reason I love crock pot cooking and it goes without saying that I absolutely love chicken too, don't you? This is why the cookbook came into existence.
For busy people like you and me, slow cooker chicken is the ultimate set and forget recipe maker. This cookbook offers 35 slow cooker recipes for chicken giving you the freedom to choose a variety of meals any day of the month.
And, let's not forget the nutritional value of broiled chicken. You can prepare dishes so delicious that even your kids could be asking for them. Just imagine your teenage son or daughter selecting chicken over hamburgers. Wouldn't that be amazing?
Length: 71 pages
Click for more info:
35 Slow Cooker Chicken Recipes or to sample this book for FREE!
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NOTE - Before purchasing Kindle Books, make sure that it is in fact still on sale. Though on sale at time of posting, prices may change at any time. Be sure to verify the “Kindle Price”, before purchasing. If you do happen to buy a book that you thought was on sale, you can return the book within 7 days for a full refund.
NOTE - UK books are not always the same price as the US book bargains - and a UK Kindle book option may not always be available.
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Category: book bargains, feature, free books, free reading app, kindle, kindle deals, kindle fire, saving money