Kindle Book Freebies - October 6/12
This Brilliant Darkness
(A Dark Contemporary Fantasy)
by Red Tash
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (30 reviews)
-- A brooding monster. A quirky professor. A small Indiana town with a soul of its own.
Imagine if the writers of Northern Exposure sat down with Stephen King and decided to craft a dark fantasy thriller starring absent-minded academians, every day goofballs, and a dark fantasy creature for good measure. Pondering big picture questions like "Why am I here?" and "Does Love Conquer All?" has never been so fun.
That's THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESS, the top-rated dark fantasy debut novel by the author of TROLL OR DERBY, Red Tash.
Nothing is as it seems to be, and no one behaves in ways characters are "supposed" to act. How will it end? It's anyone's guess, in a book that keeps you turning pages, racing to find out what will happen next.
Christine Grace finds her predictable scholarly life comforting, if a bit boring. Her live-in boyfriend presses her for marriage, but she's too philosophically inclined to take an interest. So, really, why does she suddenly start imagining things in the window's reflection? Is time truly starting and stopping all around her, or is she inexplicably cracking up?
Greachin is an age-old being so tortured by his own karmic cycle that he no longer knows how to connect, except to identify potential threats through the cosmic ripples of space. When he zeroes in on Christine Grace, he experiences second thoughts for the first time in millenia. Will he go through with his grisly plan of murder and destruction?
And what of these other characters--an aging physicist of ill-repute, a stubborn monk who takes his vow of silence too far, and a time-shifting star visible only from Bloomington? What a tangled web we weave, when monsters practice to deceive. Dive into This Brilliant Darkness, and follow the journeys of these characters, from Britain to the Heartland, from January's snowfall to Halloween's costumed festivities.
THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESS is a smart, karmic mystery populated by lovable brainy characters. Climb on, strap in, and hold tight.
Length: 236 pages
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This Brilliant Darkness
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(Part 1)
by P.J. Day
Rating: 3.6 out of 5 stars (20 reviews)
-- Jack King is a handsome, crafty vampire who tries to maintain his identity in a time when the daily erosion of privacy is the norm. He has managed to survive a changing world for decades and now must face an age of rapid globalization, fleeting romance, and social networks.
And just when his personal life takes an unexpected--and pleasant--turn, King learns his bloodline is worth a King's ransom. In a world where free markets and exploitation reign, one vampire is about to discover how mankind perceives his kind; as a monster, a commodity, or as a being deserving of tolerance?
Part 1 Description: Jack King has lived over a hundred years on earth as a vampire and is finally comfortable enough to reveal his life and musings to the world through a confidant. In between revealing his thoughts, Jacyk goes on a date with a girl who he really is trying to impress. The date takes an unexpected turn, and Jack struggles to keep his identity secret while trying to build enough trust with the new girl. Jack gives his thoughts on love, technology, as well as vampires and photography.
Length: 73 pages
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King's Blood: Vampire Revealed
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

The best exercises for relieving shoulder tension and neck pain. ( Wellness Series)
by Howard VanEs
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars (4 reviews)
-- Do you suffer from shoulder pain or shoulder tension? How about neck pain?
Shoulder and neck pain can be very debilitating.
Think about all the ways you use your shoulders and neck: whether it is working at a computer, driving, engaging in your favorite activities, turning your head, sleeping, or even picking up a fork to eat can be painful and difficult.
Shoulder tightness and neck pain are your body's way of letting you know that you are risking a more serious injury.
It is vitally important to prevent and address shoulder and neck issues as soon as possible, before more serious injuries occur. The average shoulder injury causes a person to miss 28 days of work!
In "Release Your Shoulders, Relax Your Neck," you will discover:
* How to eliminate shoulder tension and neck pain with 53 highly effective shoulder and neck exercises.
* Photos of the exercises with easy to follow instructions.
* The main causes of shoulder and neck pain.
* Key prevention strategies to stop problems before they start so you can have healthy shoulders and a pain free neck.
* Why computer users are at high risk for injury and what to do to significantly reduce your risk.
* How to speed healing of shoulder and neck injuries and get back into your favorite activities.
* Anatomy of the shoulder joints, how they move and why they can get so tight.
This book is a must for people who work on computers, dental hygienists, hair stylists, athletes and anyone who carries a lot of stress in their neck or shoulders.
Length: 90 pages
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Release Your Shoulders, Relax Your Neck
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by Susette Williams
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (13 reviews)
-- Abbey Martin isn’t willing to be the kind of ‘player’ her boss wants her to be. When he threatens to not promote her because she refuses to get in ‘compromising’ positions, she quits.
If a day can go from bad to worse, it does for Abbey. She runs into Bruce Harrington on her way home—literally.
Bruce Harrington was on his way to a very important meeting. That was until a raving lunatic with brown, bouncy hair spiraled towards him in her car and then on foot. Maybe he should count it a blessing that when she sent him cascading over the side of the embankment—he wasn’t in his car.
To make amends for causing Bruce to break a leg, Abbey becomes his chauffeur and helpmate until he recovers.
When his cast is about to come off he has to face losing Abbey. There has to be some way he can keep her from walking out of his life forever. If a job offer won’t do it then perhaps it’s time for a proposal.
Length: 79 pages
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Accidental Meeting, Relax Your Neck
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by Chris Ward
Rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars (9 reviews)
-- Beneath the dark streets of London they played a dangerous game with trains. Now it is their only chance for survival...
Mega Britain in 2075 is a dangerous place. A man known only as the Governor rules the country with an iron hand, but within the towering perimeter walls of London Greater Urban Area anarchy spreads unchecked through the streets.
In the abandoned London Underground station of St. Cannerwells, a group of misfits calling themselves the Tube Riders seek to forget the chaos by playing a dangerous game with trains. Marta is their leader, a girl haunted by her brother's disappearance. Of the others, Paul lives only to protect his little brother Owen, while Simon is trying to hold on to his relationship with Jess, daughter of a government official. Guarding them all is Switch, a man with a flickering eye and a faster knife, who cares only about preserving the legacy of the Tube Riders. Together, they are family.
Everything changes the day they are attacked by a rival gang. While escaping, they witness an event that could bring war down on Mega Britain. Suddenly they are fleeing for their lives, pursued not only by their rivals, but by the brutal Department of Civil Affairs, government killing machines known as Huntsmen, and finally by the inhuman Governor himself.
Length: 624 pages
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The Tube Riders, Relax Your Neck
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Master Vegetarian Cooking with 101 Great Recipes
by Perrin Davis
Rating: 3.4 out of 5 stars (5 reviews)
-- The 101 series expands with an all-new, everything-you-need-to-know guide to making vegetarian meals. This cookbook features 101 delicious, diverse, and accessible recipes, all of which have been thoroughly kitchen tested.
Vegetarian 101 also features a simple, contemporary-looking design that's as practical as it is elegant, with measures calculated using both traditional and metric quantities. Scattered throughout are beautiful full-color photographs that enhance the book's utility and visual appeal. These practical, hands-on kitchen resources also look great on the kitchen bookshelf--and because their durable flexi-binding is sewn, they are extremely easy to keep open and lay flat on your kitchen counter while you're cooking from their pages. Every home cook can appreciate how a lie-flat binding makes a cookbook much easier to use!
Vegetarian 101 starts off with a detailed introduction that covers the basics of the book's topic and provides plenty of helpful how-tos, insider tips, and keys to best results. The idea is to provide everything a reader needs to know in order to make these recipes successfully. The 101 recipes included feature a breadth of different dishes drawn from a wide range of culinary traditions, all of them featuring clear, straightforward directions, and all of them delicious. The 101 series is perfect both for beginners and more experienced cooks looking to broaden their kitchen horizons.
Length: 162 pages
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The Tube Riders, Relax Your Neck
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