Kindle Book Freebies - October 2/12
From the Chrysalis:
a novel
by Karen E. Black
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars (27 reviews)
-- A forbidden love affair between a college student and an ex-convict threatens to destroy them both.
Liza's bad-boy cousin, the handsome, magnetic D'Arcy "Dace" Devereux is nothing but trouble. Falling in love with him can only make things worse. Especially for a girl who knows more about books and monarch butterflies than she does men. The cousins' mutual infatuation flares into an obsession long before Liza is out of her teens. Even when Dace is arrested and sent to jail, their feelings don't change.
When she's old enough, Liza enrolls in a local university to be closer to him, but a prison riot breaks out and Dace is forced to make decisions that will jeopardize both their relationship and his life. He's always been loyal to his old buddies--too loyal some say.
The cousins spend one wonderful summer together when he's briefly paroled, but Dace is still drawn to trouble like the monarchs down to Mexico. In the end, nobody -- not the biker gangs, the authorities or Dace's own demons -- is going to let him go. The only way they can both break out and fly free is if Liza walks away. But how can she leave him when he has become her whole life?
From the Chrysalis is a taut novel of romance and survival against all odds,set in the shifting political and moral background of the early seventies.
Length: 303 pages
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From the Chrysalis
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by Aida Brassington
Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars (44 reviews)
-- There are things Patrick Boyle will never forget: the sound of his own neck breaking at the moment of his death in the fall of 1970, the sweet taste of his mother's chocolate cake, and the awful day his parents abandoned him in his childhood house-turned prison.
Nineteen-year-old Patrick wonders for decades if God has forgotten all about him or if he's being punished for some terrible crime or sin over a lovely forty years trapped in an empty home. But when Sara Oswald, a strange woman with a mysterious past, buys his house, old feelings reawaken, and a new optimism convinces him that she's the answer to his prayers.
Things are never simple, though, especially when she begins channeling the memories of his life and death in her writing.
Length: 245 pages
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Between Seasons
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by Higher Read
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (6 reviews)
-- One of the luxuries of modern life is the ability to step back from the chaos and try to improve our quality of life. Sometimes this is spiritual; we learn to meditate, start going to church, or read books about spirituality. In some instances, we want to be physically healthier so we eat more fresh vegetables and start exercising.
We also improve our life quality when we enhance our home space. For a long time, we thought the best way to enjoy our space more was to add to it. The latest knick-knack was put on the shelf or a room was re-painted to reflect modern trends. That mentality that brings us here: to a time when people are looking not to add to a room or house or apartment, but to take away from it in the attempt to make an enjoyable environment.
Once you have simplified your space, once you have decluttered, you will find a space that feels as though you breathe easier. In some ways this is logical; there is less to clean or trip over. But an uncluttered space also, somewhat mysteriously, impacts our mood. It gives us a feeling of serenity and peace.
I hope you find that serenity once you have made your space a sanctuary by removing unwanted clutter from your life. In the pages of this book you will find tips, systems, and methods to help you declutter your home, leading you to that sense of peace and contentment.
Length: 62 pages
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How to Declutter Your Kitchen
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(Alexander Trilogy Book I)
by Stan I.S. Law, Bozena Happach
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (3 reviews)
-- A boy approaching puberty enjoys exuberant imagination which leads him through progressive stages of self discovery.
His imaginary travels unfold an inner world within him, a reality he'd never suspected.
An enigmatic Princess guides him in his search and finally rewards him with the realization of his own true and mysterious nature
When a boy meets himself among the stars...
Alec, a lad of 13, is just becoming aware of the hormones that are about to play havoc with his sense of reality. Undeterred, he marshals all his courage and fights on. And, in a way as mystical as it was unexpected, he is rewarded beyond his wildest expectations.
Length: 236 pages
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The Princess
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(The Samaritans Conspiracy - book 1)
by Tim Greaton
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (83 reviews)
-- Skip Ralstat is a man so steeped in grief and despair that life seems no longer possible.
After the death of his wife and child, Skip blames himself.
He has given up his friends, his job and now, devoid of all hope, he survives on the mean streets of Albany.
He knows it can't go on, that life must end...but will it?
In The Santa Shop we get our first glimpse at the Samaritans Conspiracy, a secretive group of individuals who are seldom seen and never recognized.
Length: 180 pages
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The Santa Shop
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Healthy Soups, Stews, Sides, Pastas, Roasted Dishes, Grilled Dishes, and More! (The Best Healthy Recipes)
by Sarah Campbell
-- Eating healthy is easy when you follow these recipes.
There are healthy soup recipes, healthy sides, healthy grilled dishes, and healthy roasted dishes.
These dishes are balanced and taste great, and are easy to make.
You and your family will enjoy the variety and the taste.
Start eating healthy today.
Length: 40 pages
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Healthy Dinner Recipes
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NOTE: Due to international copyrights, not all titles will be free outside the United States. A UK Kindle book option may not always be available.
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