Kindle Daily Book Bargains - September 22/12
Ruby the Red Fairy
by Daisy Meadows
Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars (37 reviews)
-- Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up
Fairyland is home to seven colorful sisters. Together, they are the Rainbow Fairies! They keep Fairyland dazzling and bright. But when evil Jack Frost sends them far away, the sisters are in big trouble.
If they don't return soon, Fairyland is doomed to be gray forever! Rachel and Kirsty discover Ruby the Red Fairy in the pot at the end of the rainbow. Can they help find the rest of her Rainbow sisters...before it's too late?
Length: 84 pages
All seven volumes of Daisy Meadows's popular "Rainbow Fairies" children's chapter-book series are on sale today!
The books follow the adventures of seven colorful fairy sisters. They keep Fairyland dazzling and bright, but when evil Jack Frost sends them away, Fairyland is threatened to turn gray forever. See also:
• Amber the Orange Fairy
• Sunny the Yellow Fairy
• Fern the Green Fairy
• Sky the Blue Fairy
• Inky the Indigo Fairy
• Heather the Violet Fairy
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Ruby the Red Fairy or to sample this book for FREE!
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(Timber Wolves)
by Tammy Blackwell
Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars (25 reviews)
-- Having narrowly escaped an unjust death sentence, Scout Donovan is on the run.
But the more she discovers about the Alpha Pack and herself, the more she realizes she can’t run forever.
Destiny is propelling her towards an unavoidable battle. Can Scout survive, or will she finally succumb to fate?
"Fate Succumbs is an engrossing, fast-paced, cleverly tied-up finale to a wonderful trilogy." -Samantha Young, Best-Selling Author
Length: 296 pages
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Fate Succumbs or to sample this book for FREE!
Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here. Have you checked out the all-new Kindle Fire HD yet?
NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

(A Nathan McBride Novel) (Kindle Serial)
by Andrew Peterson
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars (6 reviews)
-- Nathan McBride, “the most brutally effective thriller hero to appear in years” (Ridley Pearson, author of Killer Weekend), returns in the third installment of one of the best new series in thriller fiction.
When Nathan McBride receives a text message from someone who claims she’s been kidnapped, it triggers a deadly chain of events that has the potential to haunt him for the rest of his life.
Nathan will soon learn that nothing from his past could ever prepare him for the crisis he’ll soon be facing. The girl’s name is Lauren and she’s just twelve years old. With virtually no experience with children, Nathan’s patience and compassion are about to be tested to their limits
In a violent confrontation, Nathan rescues Lauren from her kidnapper, but as he unravels Lauren’s story, he realizes his troubles are only beginning. She says she’s in the Witness Security Program, and doesn’t trust the US Marshals because she thinks they’re complicit in her abduction. Not only that, her stepdad was murdered last night.
In a desperate and unlikely alliance, Nathan and Lauren must stay one step ahead of her kidnapper and the brutal mercenaries who will kill anyone who gets in their way. Played out over the course of 36 lightning-fast hours, Nathan and Lauren must learn to trust each other or they won’t survive.
NOTE: This book is a Kindle Serial. Kindle Serials are stories published in episodes, with future episodes delivered at no additional cost. This serial currently contains two episodes out of an estimated eight total episodes, and new episodes will be delivered every two weeks.
Episode List
An additional episode will be delivered every two weeks until the book is complete. New episodes will be added to the same book on your Kindle, keeping your place and retaining your notes and highlights. You'll be notified via email when a new episode has been delivered.
Episode 1: Released on September 6, 2012. 44 pages. Nathan McBride receives a cryptic text message containing his secret operative name from someone named "Lauren" who says she’s been kidnapped. How does she know who he is? Is this for real? And if so, can he save her?
Episode 2: Released on September 20, 2012. 41 pages. On the run from both the police and an unknown number of gunmen, Nathan discovers a startling truth about Lauren.
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Option to Kill or to sample this book for FREE!
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

(A Land of Canaan Novel)
by Beth Wiseman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (93 reviews)
-- Katie Ann lost the love of her life. But in Canaan, God offers her a new beginning.
Settling in to her new life in Canaan, Colorado, Katie Ann Stoltzfus gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. The boy's father - her estranged husband - died before their son is born. Despite his infidelities, Ivan was her one true love. She mourns his loss, vows never to trust another man, and resolves to fill the role of both mother and father to her son.
Then Eli Detweiler arrives in Canaan from Middlefield, Ohio, to attend his niece's wedding. He's been raising his kids alone in Middlefield since his wife's death fifteen years ago. Now each child is married, so Eli looks forward to living a less-structured life-and eating shoofly pie for breakfast every morning. There's no one to care for except himself.
When a meddling-but good-hearted-Englisch woman plays matchmaker for Katie Ann and Eli, they find themselves facing an unexpected, hopeful future…brought together by God's wondrous love.
Length: 304 pages
Click for more info:
The Wonder of Your Love or to sample this book for FREE!
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