Kindle Daily Book Bargains - September 16/12
A Stirring Adventure of Spies, Time Travel and Curious Hats (Larklight)
by Philip Reeve
Rating: 4.7 (13 reviews)
-- Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up
There is an old saying: if something is too good to be true, it probably is.
Take the holiday that Art Mumby, his irritating younger sister Myrtle, and their mother take to Starcross, the finest sea-bathing resort in the entire Asteroid Belt.
The fact that there are no seas anywhere should give you a clue.
Sure enough, Art and family quickly find themselves grappling with French spies, Yankee rebels, and man-eating starfish.
With stops to the future and prehistoric Mars, it's all Art can do to keep his head about him - which is essential, since everyone else is losing theirs!
Length: 392 pages
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Starcross or to sample this book for FREE!
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A horrific murder, thriller, true crime story of horror and survival
by J. G. Porter, Oceans Edge Editing
Rating: 3.6 (5 reviews)
-- I heard Creighton tell the clerk not to say or try anything. “Act calm,” he said as they were walking to the cooler. He had the gun jabbed into the clerk’s neck with his right hand and the back of the clerk’s shirt scrunched up in his left hand.
They passed me, and Creighton finally acknowledged me. “You get back here too you stupid bitch.”
No way was this really happening, I thought. The man I loved was going to do this? It wasn’t possible. I started to follow them both to the back cooler. The clerk was so scared he urinated in his pants. Creighton walked behind him, the gun still to his neck. I could see a trail of urine on the floor. I finally realized this was not a joke.
We got to the walk-in cooler where the beer and sodas were stored. I stayed in the archway of the door and watched in horror as Creighton yelled at the clerk to get on the ground. Creighton pushed him and he lay down on his stomach. The clerk still hadn’t said a word to try to save himself from what was about to happen. Creighton put his left foot on the clerk’s back, right between his shoulders and his butt, and I shouted out, “What are you doing? Why are you doing this to him?”
I hoped that the clerk would plead for his life, but the sad truth was he was too scared.
Expressionless, Creighton looked at me and then he looked at the clerk. “Please don’t do this to him,” I pleaded. “What are you doing Creighton? Please don’t do this. Please. Look at how scared he is. He won’t tell anyone, and neither of us will. Stop!”
Length: 189 pages
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A Journey Beyond Abuse or to sample this book for FREE!
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by Dave Duncan
Rating: 4.0 (78 reviews)
-- The Hierarchy, high priests of the religious order the Light, has installed King Ethan as the monarchical figurehead, ruling both the magical kingdom of Albi and its predominant religion.
Scattered throughout the land, worshippers in the old ways of the Earth Mother are persecuted as heretics. And when young missionary student Rollo Woodbridge returns home to Albi, he is immediately arrested for heresy and treason, setting off a chain of events that plunges the land into utter chaos.
The Hierarchy has more treacherous motives, however, and when Rollo is rescued from jail, his family’s home is destroyed—but Rollo and his siblings are left alive. While Rollo tries diplomacy to end the religious and political conflict, his brother and sister swear vengeance.
With the hours to deliverance counting down and their lives hanging in the balance, they must decide whether to stay and fight or leave Albi forever in the suspenseful, action-packed Against the Light.
Length: 495 pages
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Against the Light or to sample this book for FREE!
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by Stina Leicht
Rating: 4.5 (37 reviews)
-- Liam never knew who his father was.
The town of Derry had always assumed that he was the bastard of a protestant — his mother never spoke of him, and Liam assumed he was dead.
But when the war between the fallen and the fey began to heat up, Liam and his family are pulled into a conflict that they didn’t know existed.
A centuries old conflict between supernatural forces seems to mirror the political divisions in 1970’s era Ireland, and Liam is thrown headlong into both conflicts!
Only the direct intervention of Liam’s real father, and a secret catholic order dedicated to fighting “The Fallen” can save Liam... from the mundane and supernatural forces around him, and from the darkness that lurks within him.
Length: 315 pages
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Of Blood and Honey or to sample this book for FREE!
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