Kindle Daily Book Bargains - September 7/12
9th Circle
(Kindle Serial)
by Carolyn McCray, Ben Hopkin
-- This book is a Kindle Serial. Kindle Serials are stories published in episodes, with future episodes delivered at no additional cost. This serial currently contains one episode out of an estimated eight total episodes, and new episodes will be delivered every two weeks.
A madman terrorizes Seattle, attempting to recreate the nine circles of hell by using the blood and bodies of the innocent.
Detective Robi Darcmel, a gifted yet troubled savant, is the only man standing in the path of this pathological killer.
As the fate of the Emerald City hangs in the balance, can Darcmel overcome his failings or will Seattle burn to ash?
If you are a fan of characters such as Alex Cross and Hannibal or movies like “7” and “Saw,” 9th Circle is sure to shock and satisfy.
Episode List
An additional episode will be delivered every two weeks until the book is complete. New episodes will be added to the same book on your Kindle, keeping your place and retaining your notes and highlights.
Episode 1: Released on September 6, 2012. 51 pages. Detectives Robi Darcmel and Trey Keane are on the trail of the Seattle’s most prolific serial killer. After rescuing a little girl from a vat of her own parent’s blood, Darc realizes she is the key to the psychopath’s puzzle.
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9th Circle (Kindle Serial) or to sample this book for FREE!
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by Lin Zhe, George A. Fowler
-- Lin Zhe, one of China’s most prolific writers, paints an unforgettable picture of an ordinary family caught up in the maelstrom that was China's most recent century.
Her narrative ranges across the entire length of China, to California and back again, to the battlefields of the Anti-Japanese War of Resistance and the brutal "struggle" sessions of the Cultural Revolution.
But it always returns to this family's home in Old Town, that archetypical, old-fashioned, and vanishing place steeped in the traditions of South China.
Ms. Lin examines the inner strength that sustains people's lives in their darkest hours, when religious and political faith falter.
And yet, a vein of irony and droll humor runs through this powerful story. Lin Zhe's novel may be understood as a love story, memoir, history, or allegory.
For the non-Chinese reader it provides a rare and moving insight into Chinese lives in a century of fearsome upheaval.
This book was originally published under the title Riddles of Belief...and Love - A Story.
Length: 706 pages
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Old Town or to sample this book for FREE!
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by Bonnie Leick, Helen Ketteman
-- Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: Pre K and up
Little Monster needs to get ready for bed.
That means howling at the moon, scrubbing his scales, getting into his creepy PJs, and enjoying a nice snack before bed: worm juice and baked beetle bread.
And, of course, Little Monster’s mother is nearby to tuck Little Monster into bed and turn on his night-light—because even little monsters can be afraid of the dark.
Bonnie Leick’s soft, child-friendly illustrations rendered in watercolor bring a new and quiet twist to the evening’s bedtime ritual. Sweet dreams, Little Monster!
Length: 34 pages
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Goodnight, Little Monster or to sample this book for FREE!
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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

(Book One of The Red Diamond Saga)
by Jennifer Janne
-- Corinne Sanders is a young woman with plenty of ambition and her whole life ahead of her. She’s naturally inquisitive, independent and career-minded. Yet somehow, Corinne can’t escape the unresolved issues of her past.
As a court reporter and criminal justice major, Corinne’s uncanny intuition has held her back from truly experiencing the life she was always meant to live. She’s always had a knack for solving mysteries and she’s about to head into a whirlwind of her own.
As a foster child, found on the doorstep of a hospital, with only her name embroidered on a blanket of mystery wrapped around her tiny form. She bounced around from home to home and witnessed abuse after abuse. Even now, Corinne can’t shake the feelings of abandonment and mistrust that haunt her daily. She puts forth a brave face to the world, but hides the wounds of an insecure child behind her mask.
Perhaps Corinne has good reason to be completely incapable of trust. Everyone around her seems to be leading a double life these days. Just when her fiancΓ© Daniel urges her to trust him, she finds out he’s keeping secrets from her. Also, her life-long friend Sam turns out to have a hidden dark side. So who can she trust?
That’s the moment Corinne’s long-lost family returns from the shadows. Her entire world is thrown into a complete tailspin. Yet are these new, familiar faces worthy of her trust? They belong to an enigmatic and powerful organization with an amazing influence of control and manipulation.
Yet, she feels an uncanny kinship toward her newfound relatives. As Corinne begins to unlock mysteries of the past, tremendous abilities are unlocking inside her as well. What everyone jokingly called her “wacky sense” was becoming a powerful sixth sense, threatening to consume Corinne’s very existence. Does her secretive father hold the secrets that could save her life?
She soon has a wedding to plan with her fiancΓ© Daniel. She finds her twin brother Aaron and a surrogate sister named Lisa. Together, Corinne tries to stitch together some semblance of a normal family life. Yet, what is normal for a family of genetically engineered super beings.
Lisa has the power to absorb injuries and heal wounds. Aaron has super strength but lacks the social graces of a normal young man. Corinne’s powers seem to be the strongest, ranging from telepath to out-of-body projection. She can read minds and control them. By working together, the three siblings not only predict a whirlwind of catastrophes but they have the talents to help prevent them.
While Corinne is out saving the world, she realizes that her personal life is also suffering. Once, Corinne worried that her fiancΓ© Daniel was leading a double life, but now the tables have turned. It’s Corinne who tries to keep her super powers a secret from the love her life. That’s pretty difficult when Corinne and her super siblings are making the six o’clock news with their feats of heroism. Their anonymity is constantly threatened but so is their safety.
Although Corinne freed Aaron and Lisa from Conner, even this dog has his masters, and they want Corinne and the entire project eliminated. Now, Conner is back to doing what he does best: pulling Corinne’s strings like a master puppeteer. He may not be able to use his own telepathic powers against her, but he most certainly can hurt the ones she loves most.
Just as Corinne finally gets to experience a sense of belonging, and come closer to finding out the answers to her past, an explosive situation once again threatens to shatter her world to pieces. The ghosts of the past finally show their faces and even greater villains emerge in Corinne’s turbulent life.
Length: 144 pages
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Corinne or to sample this book for FREE!
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