Kindle Book Freebies - September 16/12
(Young Adult Novel)
by Doug Solter
Rating: 3.7 (3 reviews)
-- Samantha Sutton drove the car that killed her dad. Now the seventeen-year-old can’t rest until she becomes the racing champion her dad molded her to be. Samantha exploits the system and earns a spot on a German racing team struggling to be relevant against the elite teams of Formula 1.
Samantha pushes herself, pushes her car, pushes her luck at 200 miles per hour. She battles Emilio Ronaldo, seven time world champion and Ferrari racing god. A hero to young girl, but now a rival to a young woman.
To keep herself sane, Samantha relies on her best friend Manny. But she doesn’t know quite what to do about his deep feelings for her. She would love to ask her sisters for advice, but they won’t talk to her. Not since Samantha told them the truth about Dad’s accident. The truth about that dark and rainy night.
Length: 271 pages
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Vol I: Deadly Discovery
by Suzanna E. Nelson
Rating: 3.7 (3 reviews)
-- Jenny Osborne, a freelance journalist who lives in New York, has just received her first big assignment abroad to report on the war situation between the government and rebels in the Congo.
Along with her photojournalist, John Spencer, she embarks on a long journey to the Central African country. Although they are well received by nonprofit organizations, they soon encounter suspicion from people in the government and ultimately discover that things are not as they seem. Jenny also meets a mysterious handsome French Intelligence AttachΓ© by the name of Pierre-Jean Philippe who seems to know more than he is willing to disclose.
The new Congolese President, who wants to end the bloodshed, embarks on a journey to Nairobi to sign a peace agreement with the rebels, which is supported by the international community. “The Helpers” - a very powerful underground organization whose members include international businessmen and high priests will not stand by and let this happen.
Their main aim is to maintain a stronghold on the natural resources of Congo and the only way they can do this by encouraging conflict. They hire one of their sleepers, a professional by the name of Demus, a.k.a. Gaston to bring down the President’s plane. Monsieur Lance Lemand, Pierre’s boss, discovers their plan and decides to stop Gaston from fulfilling the contract.
When Kai, a local schoolgirl, decides to end the psychological and sexual abuse that she and her mother have endured at the hands of Gaston, she seeks out Jenny’s help. Kai gives Jenny damaging information that could bring down “The Helpers” network. Jenny and John realize the danger they are in and decide to leave the country, but before they can do that Jenny disappears.
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The Helpers
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(Of Witches and Warlocks #1)
by Lacey Weatherford
Rating: 4.0 (146 reviews)
-- What does every young girl wish for on her sixteenth birthday? Not to be told she's a witch, that's for sure!
But what if it comes with powers, a hot romance, and exciting adventure?
"As a very long time fan of the television show Charmed I particularly enjoyed the reading of "The Trouble With Spells", ... it was a fun book to sit down and enjoy for the day!" Jackie Burris, Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories
"Forget Team Edward, Team Jacob, Team anybody.... it's all Vance Mangum and Of Witches and Warlocks, baby!" Belinda Boring, The Bookish Snob and The Romance Reviews
Length: 324 pages
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The Trouble With Spells
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(A Bedtime Story Picture Book for Toddlers and Young Children)
by Lisl Fair, Nina de Polonia
Rating: 4.8 (13 reviews)
-- If your child loves stories by Ludwig Bemelmans, Julia Donaldson, and Stan and Jan Berenstein, your child will enjoy this endearing tale about a curious little girl who gets into all sorts of trouble - told by Lisl Fair.
Meet Lexi Fairheart and follow her quest to discover what is hidden behind the forbidden door at her grandpa's house.
Extract from the book:
Every time Grandpa mentioned the green door in the attic, she wanted to know what was behind it more than ever. She debated with herself. On the one hand, she always listened to Grandpa, but on the other hand, he would never know if she took a quick peek...
More about the book:
• Storyline contains a great educational lesson about obedience and listening to adults. You can use this story to teach your child to channel his curiosity in productive and safe ways
• Includes 14 gorgeous illustrations by a professional illustrator, guaranteed to captivate your child's imagination
• Is suitable as a read aloud book for preschoolers or a self-read book for older children
Length: 25 pages
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Lexi Fairheart and the Forbidden Door
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