Frugal Tip: Make Your Own Air Freshener
Do you like commercial air fresheners? I can't stand most of them, I can't get past the chemical scent - though I know it doesn't bother most people.
But they can be expensive!
This one sounds nice though - and you could use your favourite scent!
You could even make a bunch of them and have a different scent for each day!
Make your own room air freshener
-- Pour baking soda into container, about 1/4 full.
-- Pour in 8-ish drops of essential oils.
-- Every once in awhile, go shake it so everything mixes and freshens the stinky smells.
-- Done!
Idea and photo from:
From our Facebook fan page:
Regina Greene-Pinckert posted: I have everything on hand to try this. I think I will give it a shot!
Regina Greene-Pinckert posted: I made 3 of these today using peppermint oil. One I put in a glass baby food jar. For the other 2, I used the plastic baby food containers and punched holes in the lid to avoid spilling. I placed one in each bathroom. We'll see how well it works.
Jessica Skaggs posted: This can also be used as a carpet fresh.

Shopping Suggestions:
• Arm + Hammer Pure Baking Soda
• Essential Oil Home Aromatherapy Sampler Set
• Holiday/ Seasonal Essential Oil Home Aromatherapy Sampler Set
• Synergy Blends- (Aphrodisiac, Breathe Easy, Meditation, Renew, Relaxation, Stress Relief) Sampler Pack
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!
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Category: cleaning, d-i-y, DIY, do-it-yourself, feature, frugal tips, make-your-own, recycle, reduce, reuse, saving money