Kindle Daily Book Bargains - August 27/12
The Brimstone Wedding
by Ruth Rendell (written under the name Barbara Vine)
-- Stuck in a loveless marriage and a troubled affair, Genevieve Warner was friendless before meeting Stella, a patient at the nursing home where Genevieve works.
Stella reveals her life's story, one with a horrifying confession.
As Genevieve’s life slips down the same path, she desperately tries to change her fate..
Two women, divided by age and class, share their deepest secrets in an English nursing home in which one cares for the other.
There is a sense of secrecy from the start, as Genevieve Warner tells dying Stella Newland about her love affair and Stella shares with Genevieve the location of her secret house.
Secrecy gives way to foreboding, and tension builds as details are masterfully revealed.
You will be enthralled with the story right from the start, listening to the two women's alternating voices and the inextricable linking of their lives, as Stella dies and Jenny is virtually reborn.
Length 320 pages
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The Brimstone Wedding or to sample this book for FREE!
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(Fae-Witch Trilogy, Book 1)
by Jenna Bernel
-- Aria Darwin has always considered herself cursed. She is obsessed with finding a cure for the bad boyfriend plague. Worse yet, she’s in denial about her weird abilities and terrified of her mysterious stalker who causes the earth to quake violently with the snap of his finger.
With her two best friends, Aria enters her first semester of college armed with a “no more men” pact in an effort to demagnetize the sleaze balls. Unfortunately, the agreement proves difficult when she meets Liam, a charming foreign exchange student, on the first day of school.
Aria quickly discovers that Liam is not only Mr. Perfect, but he also somehow ignites her supernatural side. Upon the invitation of her dream guy, Aria travels to Ireland through the study abroad program, dragging her friends along with her. But her world of euphoric bliss quickly comes crashing down as she uncovers the truth about her past, revealing who she really is and what she was born to do.
Length: 218 pages
Click for more info:
The Secret Trinity: Unearth or to sample this book for FREE!
Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.
NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

(Witchblood Series)
by Emma Mills
-- When Jess steals a glance at a gorgeous guy in a Manchester nightclub, little does she realise how he is going to change her life…or should that be death?
Yet, the vampire clan could never have predicted what they were taking on. With Luke pronounced ‘off-limits’ and the blood of a vampire simmering in Jess’s body, can she forget the love of her life and move on? If not, she will risk exposing the entire Northern clan to untold dangers, in order to live her life the way she wants.
Can Jess be sure that Luke is all he appears to be? Will she succumb to the attraction she desperately tries not to feel for Daniel? And why does she still crave a packet of crisps more than a tasty teenage boy’s blood?
Length: 195 pages
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Witchblood or to sample this book for FREE!
Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.
NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

(The Unleashed "You Know"Series)
by Peter Syrek, Kevin McCoy
-- Have a SHOPOHOLIC in your life? That person who eats, drinks and sleeps retail.
Well this is the funny book for those women in your life. Page after page of ridiculously funny quotes - jokes and cartoons about people who shop too much.
Hit your wife, sister, mom with these hysterical one liners. If they are not busy shopping, maybe they will listen. Women humor and jokes for sale!
You Know you Shop Too Much When…
- In the past 15 days you’ve been escorted out of the mall by security as you refused to leave at closing time.
- You’ve almost lost your job twice this year for “shopping on the clock.”
- Your husband teaches your daughter how to ride a bike ---- you teach your daughter how to shop for a bike.
Length: 54 pages
Click for more info:
You Know you Shop Too Much When... or to sample this book for FREE!
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