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Kindle Book Freebies - August 23/12

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Thursday, August 23, 2012 | 0 comments

Free Kindle Book: Allyson Rowe, by Anne Thomas. Publication Date: March 10, 2012Allyson Rowe
by Anne Thomas

-- When John Smith arrives in San Francisco’s international airport, he is not there for a business meeting. He is a paid assassin. His next target? Thirty-three-year-old Abigail Morgan, the best CIA field agent the San Francisco branch has ever seen.

Thanks to Agent Morgan’s excessive street-smarts, she manages to evade him, but future "John Smiths" aren’t as easy to deal with. Hospitalized and within inches of death, someone is still relentlessly stalking her!

Realizing that this is a fight she just can’t win, she vanishes from existence, resurfacing thousands of miles away as Allyson Rowe, a quiet small-town bartender, not an ounce of the confident and assertive Agent Morgan left. Bartending might not be as exciting as CIA work, but at least she will be safe.

But suddenly life isn’t so safe anymore when a man appears in the bar, sits in the same stool each night, and stares. At her. Is he just a persistent suitor or could he be something infinitely more devious?

When even the best among us have a price, Agent Morgan must discover what it means to truly be alive before it is too late, and maybe even catch the mastermind behind it all, along the way.

Length: 315 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Allyson Rowe

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Free Kindle Book: Werewolves of London, by Phelan Mahegan MacTire. Publication Date: June 3, 2012Werewolves of London
by Phelan Mahegan MacTire

-- To keep the balance of nature, you have to eat something. Or someone.

Wolves ruled the world for a million years until the rise of Man. Mankind has conquered nature for 6,000 years; but Nature has a plan.

It is set into motion when American veterinarian James Watson becomes sudden heir to a mysterious fortune tied to a group of rich and powerful people shrouded in their own mysteries.

Then shortly after he arrives in Britain, James becomes suspect in the most brutal murder of London's history. Released on the word of his legal counsel and mentor, the powerful Lord Basil Wooldridge, James is entrusted to ageless blonde beauty Dr. Roede Kissel, who despite a great cost to herself if she succeeds, unfolds layers of his reality as she grooms him in irregular ways to seize a position of unimagined power.

Meanwhile, a psychotic serial killer and an ambitious policeman strive to twist unfolding events to their own advantages. When Roede's strategies fail, James falls under the spell of a creature known only as Raven.

She compels James to discover that all roads lead not to proverbial Rome, but to London, where the occult truth of mankind's origins, its heroes of legend, its monsters, and the startling secret of its impending destiny await the victor of savage inhuman combat.

Book one, "Earth", is the foundation for a tale about violent transition to a future in which humanity's fate is irrevocably entwined with the mysteries of the Werewolves of London.

This epic dark fantasy is recommended for 18 and above only, and includes urban, dystopian and romantic elements.

Length: 284 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Werewolves of London

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Free Kindle Book: Black Blooded Heart, by Joseph Barresi. Publisher: Midnight Rise Publications (June 13, 2011)Black Blooded Heart
by Joseph Barresi

-- Valdimir...The Butcher of Antamor...the First Dark Knight...Morith's Chosen.

These are all titles of the villanious Valdimir, a once proud and just knight of Arathon that had once believed in protecting the innocent and punishing the wicked.

The first and only barbarian that ever became a knight, Valdimir had gained both fame and respect. All that changed when tragedy struck his life and he began to question his beliefs as a knight and began to turn towards the Death Gods for guidance...most notably, the God of Death himself, becoming his most devoted follower in life.

Having been killed over 300 years ago during the events of the novel The Curse of Silver Blood, Valdimir is brought back to life as a death knight, once again under the service of the dreaded Death God.

Valdimir's long absence from a hugely different world then when he had once lived begins to cause him to question his faith once again, even in death.

In this gripping and emotional story, Valdimir's life as a knight to the God of Justice is fully described, as well as how he was raised from death itself to once again serve the will of Morith. From his joining the knighthood, all the way up to his grief stricken turn to the Death Gods, to the present time in Arator where Valdimir awakens, Black Blooded Heart is a dark and moving tale of a man who's soul has been tainted through life's brutal circumstances.

Will Valdimir once again bow down before Morith, or will he take his own path...forging his own destiny in a new world that still freshly remembers the atrocities and horrors he acted on in his former life?

Length: 723 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Black Blooded Heart

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Free Kindle Book: The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships, by Joe Dunn, Mali Apple. Publisher: A Higher Possibility (April 26, 2011)The Soulmate Experience:
A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships
by Joe Dunn, Mali Apple

-- Single, in a relationship, or married: people of all walks of life and all ages are finding this new book on enlightened relationships inspiring, accessible, and truly transformational.

This revolutionary guide will help you create and sustain a relationship that is intimately connected on all levels--emotional, intellectual, sexual, and spiritual--and a continual source of love, inspiration, and joy.

In Part 1, chapters like "Loving Your Body," "Reducing Your Baggage," and "Raising Your Soulmate Potential" will help you release anything that might be preventing you from experiencing a deeply connected relationship. As you read, you will quickly begin to feel more loving and compassionate toward yourself, more connected to those around you, and more confident about and creating your own soulmate experience.

In Part 2, chapters such as "Creating a Context," "Turning Expectations into Invitations," "Transforming the Energy of Jealousy," "Exploring the Edges," and "Connecting on a Soul Level" will give you everything you need to approach even the most challenging aspects of relationships in ways that will actually deepen your experience of love and intimacy. You will discover the secrets to keeping the love, passion, and connection in your relationship fully alive--every single day. And you will learn how to lovingly guide each other to release limiting beliefs, heal the past, rise above perceived limitations, and unlock the potential in every area of your lives.

Whether you're on a quest for your soulmate, looking for deeper connection in the relationship you have right now, or just want to experience much more love in your life, the ground-breaking ideas in this book--and the many stories of real people putting them into practice--will fill you with love, inspiration, and possibility. Because The Soulmate Experience isn't just a book. It's a great way of living life.

Length: 290 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
The Soulmate Experience

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Free Kindle Book: Lionel's Grand Adventure (Lionel and the Golden Rule), by Paul R. Hewlett, Pat Sauber. Publication Date: December 15, 2011Lionel's Grand Adventure
(Lionel and the Golden Rule)
by Paul R. Hewlett, Pat Sauber

-- Ages 7-10 - Lionel’s Grand Adventure is a beginning chapter book about a twelve year old boy who is constantly subjected to ridicule from his Mom and older brother.

Things change when he makes a seemingly innocent discovery.

The magical, yet unpredictable, Three-Toed-Potbellied Walbaun foot takes him on the adventure of a lifetime.

Explore Lionel’s adventure and discover the wonderful world of the magical Walbaun foot and the lesson that it helps teach Lionel.

My book helps children who want to feel better about themselves.

It helps them find a role model. Lionel is very comfortable with who he is despite his physical shortcomings and his bullying Mom and older brother.

Length: 32 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Lionel's Grand Adventure

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Free Kindle Book: Rasputin and The Jews - A Reversal of History, by Delin ColΓ³n. Publication Date: April 23, 2011Rasputin and The Jews - A Reversal of History
by Delin ColΓ³n

-- This book is an account of Rasputin as a healer, equal rights activist and man of God, and why he was so vilified by the aristocracy that their libelous and slanderous rumors became accepted as history.

For nearly a century, Grigory Rasputin, spiritual adviser to Russia's last Tsar and Tsarina, has been unjustly maligned simply because history is written by the politically powerful and not by the common man.

A wealth of evidence shows that Rasputin was discredited by a fanatically anti-Semitic Russian society, for advocating equal rights for the severely oppressed Jewish population, as well as for promoting peace in a pro-war era.

Testimony by his friends and enemies, from all social strata, provides a picture of a spiritual man who hated bigotry, inequity and violence.

The author is the great-great niece of Aron Simanovitch, Rasputin's Jewish secretary.

Length: 113 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Rasputin and The Jews - A Reversal of History

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Before purchasing Free Kindle Books, make sure that it is in fact still free. Though free at time of posting, prices may change at any time. Be sure to verify that the “Kindle Price” is still $0.00, before purchasing. If you do happen to buy a book that you thought was free, you can return the book within 7 days for a full refund. Due to international copyrights, not all titles will be free outside the United States.


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About Catherine: I have been writing frugal tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three sons, who are all grown up - and re-married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and Bella, the cat.

Questions? Email me at catherine (at) frugal-freebies.com or post to my Facebook Fan Page!

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