Kindle Book Bargains - $1.99 or Less - Aug 11/12
by Christopher Herz
-- 1993. San Francisco. The digital and pharmaceutical industries are booming. They're looking for the young, the hip, and those on the counterculture fringe to be both the face and consumer of their new world order.
Recruited by an advertising agency focused on targeting a new drug to her own age demographic, Sarah Striker is grateful for the steady income, but begins to question the side effects of the products she's pushing.
Sarah begins publishing an underground 'zine to expose the secrets behind the pharmaceutical industry's aims. Fulfilled by her quest to spread the truth, her new life seems to be working out perfectly--until she realizes that she herself is perilously close to becoming a victim of this new corporate world.
A kinetic, hyper-stylized jolt of pure energy, Herz delivers a strong follow up to his debut novel, The Last Block in Harlem. Full of vibrant characters and razor-sharp dialogue, Pharmacology captures the voice of the Internet generation with style, heart, and soul.
Length: 225 pages
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Pharmacology or to sample this book for FREE!
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Tasty, fresh, and easy to make!
by Editors of Adams Media
-- They’re fast. They’re healthy. And they’re right at your fingertips.
The 50 Best Juicing Recipes is an appetizing selection of delicious drinks that’ll give you a taste for the beneficial beverages.
From Tomato Cucumber to Plum Cherry, there’s plenty included so you can whip up satisfying and tasty smoothies and juices. Enjoy!
Length: 58 pages
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The 50 Best Juicing Recipes or to sample this book for FREE!
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(Jane Perry)
by Laurel Dewey
-- Here is the gut-wrenching, heartrending story of hard-bitten Denver homicide detective Jane Perry and nine-year-old Emily Lawrence.
Emily has witnessed the murder of her parents — murders authorities believe have ties to a larger wave of crime. But Emily can’t recall a thing about the killings.
When the murderers come after Emily, Jane’s boss sends the two of them to a remote town in Colorado. There, Jane, who doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body, must pose as Emily’s mother and serve as her protector.
At the same time, she needs to help Emily slowly remember the devastating event without traumatizing her further.
And while she does so, the killer is closing in . . . .
Protector marks the debut of Jane Perry, an immensely flawed, utterly sympathetic character. She will shock you, confound you, astonish you, and ultimately grip your soul.
Length: 514 pages
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Protector or to sample this book for FREE!
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by Claire Ridgway
-- During the spring of 1536 in Tudor England, events conspire to bring down Anne Boleyn, the Queen of England. The coup against the Queen results in the brutal executions of six innocent people - Anne Boleyn herself, her brother, and four courtiers - and the rise of a new Queen.
Drawing on sixteenth century letters, eye witness accounts and chronicles, Claire Ridgway leads the reader through the sequence of chilling events one day at a time, telling the true story of Anne Boleyn's fall.
The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown is presented in a diary format, allowing readers to dip in, look up a particular date, or read from start to finish. Special features include mini biographies of those involved, a timeline of events and full referencing.
Why was Anne Boleyn executed?
Who was responsible for Anne Boleyn's fall?
Was Anne Boleyn's execution a foregone conclusion and was she framed?
Claire Ridgway, creator of The Anne Boleyn Files website and best-selling author of The Anne Boleyn Collection, continues her mission to share the real truth about Anne Boleyn.
Length: 264 pages
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The Fall of Anne Boleyn or to sample this book for FREE!
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