Frugal Tip: Recipe Holder From a Hanger
Did everyone love the tip about turning those clip hangers into chip clips?
Well, here is another great idea for those clip hangers!
It would only work with lightweight books, magazine tear-outs, printed pages or recipe pamphlets, but still it's a great way to get your recipe up off the counter and out of the flour!
You might think you would need to have a handle on your upper cabinets for this one to work - but for those without knobs:
If your cabinets have a smooth surface, you can use a suction cup with a hook attached!
Idea and photo found:
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From our Facebook fan page:
Sandra Banks Valles posted: I use the ends of these hangers for closing chip bags and candy bags! Awesome idea!
Brenda Muise posted: Awesome ideas!!
Tammy Thomas posted: This is too neat! I gotta try this!
Adrienne Foggo posted: Brilliant
Yolanda Smith posted: GREAT IDEA!!!
Janet James Livingston posted: Love it
Tammy Keese posted: Super like

Shopping Suggestions:
• Assorted Suction Cup Kit
• Under Cabinet Recipe Holder
• Finishing Touches Hanging Cookbook Holder
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