
May 18, 2018

Frugal Tip: Make Your Own Vomit Cleaner

Image: How to Clean Vomit
Idea and photo from:
How to Clean Vomit - includes much more details!
If you have kids or pets (or a wild partying family member!) - you might really appreciate this tip!

Before I did the following, I would use paper towels to remove as much as possible.


Table salt, white vinegar, dish/laundry detergent, rubbing alcohol, warm water and a sponge.

1. Grab a mixing bowl, pour 2 cups of warm (not hot) water in it, and stir in 1 tbsp of table salt.

2. Once the salt is dissolved, mix in ½ cup of white vinegar, 1 tbsp clear dish or laundry detergent, and 2 tbsp rubbing alcohol

3. Now grab a clean kitchen sponge, dip it in your vomit cleaner, and press it into the vomit.

4. Do this several times so there is cleaner all over the stain. Grab a new old towel and blot just like before. This will be repeated as often as necessary until no more vomit is being transferred to the towel.

5. Each time you blot with the towel, you will be removing vomit. Have an extra towel or two on hand.

From our Facebook fan page:

Melanie Wade posted: ‎*ew* but thanks...we have major hairball-barf-o-ramas here with three kitties...*groan*

Image: Vomit Clean Up Kit by H + S | Complete kit provides efficient, safe and sanitary removal of vomit, blood, feces, urine and other potentially infectious substances

Shopping Suggestions:
Diamond Crystal Iodized Salt
Heinz Distilled White Vinegar
Seventh Generation Natural Dishwashing Liquid
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol 70% Antiseptic
Vomit Clean Up Kit

NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!

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