Frugal Tip: Kleenex Box Protector
Do you have the crushed tissue box in the car problem? Here is an inventive, yet cheap and easy solution!
How to do it:
Get a Gladware, Rubbermaid or Ziplock large size rectangle container, and a low profile Kleenex box.
Cut a slot in the bottom of the plastic container.
Place your tissue box upside down, inside the plastic container. Close with lid.
Turn over, pull tissue thru the slot you cut - and Voila!
No more crushed tissue box in your car!
Idea and photo from:
From our Facebook fan page:
Alex Summersell posted: Mine usually would get smushed and have a drink spilled on it. This works for both.

Shopping Suggestions:
• Rubbermaid TakeAlongs Rectangle Containers
• Kleenex Facial Tissue
• Winnie the Pooh Home Tissue Box Cover Case Holder
• Cute Cartoon Tissue Box Cover Organizer Holder
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