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Kindle Book Bargains: The Boarding House, by Sharon Sala. Publisher: Bell Bridge Books (May 23, 2012)The Boarding House
by Sharon Sala

-- Ellie Wayne doesn’t just live. She survives.

New York Times bestselling author Sharon Sala brings emotional intensity to an unforgettable story of survival, empowerment and raw courage.

Ellie Wayne has grown up in frightening circumstances, damaged by a sexually abusive father and mentally fragile mother.

Scarred and still threatened by a father she hates and fears, Ellie believes her future holds nothing more than danger, shame and secrets . . . until the unspeakable happens, and Ellie is forced to choose.

She can claim her life or continue to hide in the shadows.

One amazing man might be the miracle worker who can help Ellie see that she has the power to move on with her life, to hope for something more. If she can trust him.

Readers will cheer for this amazing woman as she struggles to leave victimhood behind.

Length: 248 pages

Click for more info:
The Boarding House
or to sample this book for FREE!

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Kindle Book Bargains: Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance, by Keith Graves. Publisher: Chronicle Books (August 17, 2006)Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance
by Keith Graves

-- Grade Level: P and up | Ages: 2-up.

Frank was a monster who wanted to dance. So he put on his hat, and his shoes made in France... and opened a jar and put ants in his pants!

So begins this monstrously funny, deliciously disgusting, horrifyingly hilarious story of a monster who follows his dream.

Keith Graves' wacky illustrations and laugh-out-loud text will tickle the funny bone and leave readers clamoring for an encore.

Length: 32 pages

Click for more info:
Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance
or to sample this book for FREE!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Kindle Book Bargains: Jack the Ripper: Quest for a Killer, by M.J. Trow. Publisher: Wharncliffe (November 1, 2009)Jack the Ripper: Quest for a Killer
by M.J. Trow

-- For a hundred and twenty years, the identity of the Whitechapel murderer known to us as Jack the Ripper has both eluded us and spawned a veritable industry of speculation.

This book names him.

Mad doctors, Russian lunatics, bungling midwives, railway policemen, failed barristers, weird artists, royal princes and white-eyed men.

All of these and more have been put in the frame for the Whitechapel murders.

Where ingenious invention and conspiracy theories have failed, common sense has floated out of the window.

M.J. Trow, in this gripping historical reinvestigation, cuts through the fog of speculation, fantasy and obsession that has concealed the identity of the most famous serial murderer of all time.

Length: 208 pages

Click for more info:
Jack the Ripper: Quest for a Killer
or to sample this book for FREE!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Kindle Book Bargains: The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom. Publisher: ABC News; 1 edition (April 1, 2007)The Five People You Meet in Heaven
by Mitch Albom

-- Eddie is a grizzled war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. His days are a dull routine of work, loneliness, and regret.

Then, on his 83rd birthday, Eddie dies in a tragic accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling cart.

He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden, but a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people.

These people may have been loved ones or distant strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever.

One by one, Eddie's five people illuminate the unseen connections of his earthly life. As the story builds to its stunning conclusion, Eddie desperately seeks redemption in the still-unknown last act of his life: Was it a heroic success or a devastating failure

The answer, which comes from the most unlikely of sources, is as inspirational as a glimpse of heaven itself.

In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom gives us an astoundingly original story that will change everything you've ever thought about the afterlife -- and the meaning of our lives here on earth.

With a timeless tale, appealing to all, this is a book that readers of fine fiction, and those who loved Tuesdays with Morrie, will treasure.

Length: 224 pages

Click for more info:
Jack the Ripper: Quest for a Killer
or to sample this book for FREE!

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More Frugal Blogs and Websites:
Born to Love: All your cloth diapering needs, and much more - naturally! We are strong advocates of the personal, social and environmental benefits of natural parenting.

Frugal Baby Tips: Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, slings and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, more!
Free Kindle Book: The Vision: Green Stone of Healing® Series - Book One, by C. L. Talmadge. Publisher: BookLocker.com, Inc. (June 19, 2011)The Vision:
Green Stone of Healing® Series - Book One
by C. L. Talmadge

-- Lt. Helen Andros is an illegitimate, presumed orphaned physician with a gift for healing. She always wears about her neck a green gemstone with hidden potentials she received from her mother. Helen is also a despised half-breed: her mother was a Turanian and her father an unknown Toltec.

The medical officer for the 163rd Regiment, Helen is secretly in love with her commanding officer, Colonel Jackson Orlando, who returns her feelings but does not dare pursue her. Helen goes on a holiday visit to the Andros farm, where she encounters Lord Justin Atlas, a second cousin and a half-breed.

A political crisis threatens when a state hostage becomes gravely ill. Lord James Mordecai, the Lord Protector, dispatches Orlando to fetch Helen to treat Prince Harnak. While she manages to save the hostage’s life, the Lord Protector reviews her service record and finds it disturbing. Seeing an image of Helen wearing the green stone, Lord James is shocked, and immediately suspects that she is his daughter. He gave that very same stone more than thirty years ago to his secret love: a Turanian woman named Miriam Andros.

Agents of the Lord Chancellor, who for political considerations refused to provide the hostage with medical treatment, catch Helen unprotected inside Azgard's capital. A half-breed born in a foreign land, she is put on trial and sentenced to die.

Lord James orders Orlando investigate Helen’s background, which yields a letter from Helen's presumed dead mother that names Lord James as her father. If he will acknowledge her publicly, he can save her life.

Lord James; tough decision to acknowledge his daughter touches off a political firestorm between warring factions striving for control during the incapacity of the Exalted Lord, Kefren. It also leaves Lord James vulnerable to his political enemies.

In a first strike, they make an unprecedented motion to remove Lord James from the Protectorship. The wily Consort, Lady Naomi, cajoles Prince Enoch, Lord Justin's father, into making public a proposed marriage between his son and Helen.

The Consort suspects Prince Seti of poisoning Kefren, and wants Helen to examine and monitor Kefren in secret. Helen agrees to do it, although it will put her at risk of death again. Helen also sets out to devise a procedure to heal Lord Matthew Shinar, who was beaten severely after their friendship from their medical school days was exposed during her trial.

Helen is not safe now that the powerful Temple knows about her. Nor is she happy. Not even wise counsel from Judith Altair, best friend of Helen's mother and an advisor to the powerful, can keep Helen and her father from clashing out of pain and fear instead of coming together in love and friendship.

With help from Maguari the Mist-Weaver, Judith finally is able to call her long-dead friend to her in spirit. During a healing meditation, Judith learns about the vision of destruction and hope that impelled Miriam to bear a half-breed, and witnesses the green stone's power.

Length: 236 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
The Vision

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Free Kindle Book: Judgment Tramp (An Eb Maclean novel), by J.D. Currie. Publication Date: December 4, 2011Judgment Tramp
(An Eb Maclean novel)
by J.D. Currie

-- Ex-Army helicopter pilot Eb McLean is struggling to deal with his emotional scars and return to civilian life, but a sudden explosion and vicious murder throw him back into another kind of war.

Now his sister Maggie's car is burning in front of their restaurant and hardened FBI agent Nick Kavadas wants to nail Eb for the crime.

Eb finds himself in a race against time to find the real killer and peel back the layers of deceit and lies which threaten to destroy everything he holds dear. But whom can he trust?

ATF Special Agent Danielle Ricci, who may be harboring a secret of her own? The sexy, but deadly, Imme Amoud? Or could his involvement with her be a fatal attraction? In the frantic hunt for the killer Eb is forced to confront his own tortured past.

Length: 199 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Judgment Tramp

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Free Kindle Book: Yummy Backpack, Lou Chang's Delicious Picnic, by Imagine Brothers (Author, Illustrator), David Goldschmidt (Editor), Yeongran Jeong (Translator). Publisher: Head and Heart; 1.1 edition (July 9, 2012)Yummy Backpack, Lou Chang's Delicious Picnic
by Imagine Brothers

-- ...C-H-E-E-P
Lou Chang opens his eyes.
He sees a HUGE CHICKEN rush toward him, its eyes bulging.

The chicken pecks at the cotton candy and eats it in one gulp!

"Oh no," cries Lou Chang......

Yummy Backpack features
a huge chicken,
a stylish pink rabbit,
a giant turtle,
a mean-looking snake,
a porcupine with a big mouth,
a smart-aleck mouse,
and a foal
that rush toward Lou Chang's YUMMY BACKPACK JAMMED WITH HIS FAVORITE SNACKS AND GOODIES for his happy picnic day.

Length: 34 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Yummy Backpack, Lou Chang's Delicious Picnic

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Free Kindle Book: Danger Danger, by Gerry McCullough. Publisher: Precious Oil Publications (October 15, 2011)Danger Danger
by Gerry McCullough

-- Two lives in parallel – twin sisters separated at birth, but their lives take strangely similar and dangerous roads until the final collision which hurls each of them to the edge of disaster.

Katie and her gambling boyfriend Dec find themselves threatened with peril from the people Dec has cheated.

Jo-Anne (Annie) through her boyfriend Steven finds herself in the hands of much more dangerous crooks.

Can they survive and achieve safety and happiness?

Length: 231 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Danger Danger

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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Free Kindle Book: Lesbian Crushes and Bulimia: A Diary on How I Acquired my Eating Disorder, by Natasha Holme. Publication Date: March 22, 2012Lesbian Crushes and Bulimia:
A Diary on How I Acquired my Eating Disorder
by Natasha Holme

-- The only book to present a diary account of living as a lesbian with an eating disorder, this work is endorsed by Helena Whitbread, Editor of The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister, as "a compelling read."

A true story set in 1989, nineteen year old Natasha, obsessively in love with her former school teacher Miss Williams, struggles with her infatuations with women.

Having sex with boys, she earns the condemnation of gay and straight worlds.

Feeling too fat to deserve romantic involvement with another girl, Natasha stops eating.

This is a coming out story and a love story which takes place one year after the infamous Section 28 was introduced, according to which it was not permitted to "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship."

The book describes in detail Natasha's clumsy attempts at heterosexuality, the obsessive clinging to unrequited love, her embracing of sexual harassment, and her dysfunctional relationship with body image and food.

Length: 192 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
Lesbian Crushes and Bulimia

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NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Free Kindle Book: '59 Part 2 - Valiant, by Anthony Sunderland. Publication Date: June 21, 2012'59 Part 2 - Valiant
by Anthony Sunderland

-- All contact with the two ships on the Icarus mission to Proxima Centauri has been lost.

Twenty year old Janine Lewis hates her brother Sean for the accident that left her beloved 'Uncle' David Stirling, commandant of the space academy, in a wheelchair.

She also despises him as a coward.

When Sean refuses to re-enlist as an astronaut to search for their missing father, Janine vows to Join the academy, against her mother, Cindy's, wishes.

418 days after the mission launch the Valiant returned to our solar system, badly damaged. The sole survivor died in the arms of the rescue crew before she could tell them what happened.

Janine's search for her father looks doomed before it has even started. She faces envy from other cadets, as well as hostility and jealousy from lecturers and officers envious of her father's reputation and fame.

A vicious fight with another cadet, and the continuing hostility between them threatens to have both women thrown out of the academy in disgrace.

Prospects for finding the missing ship deteriorate drastically after the search mission's lead ship explodes on reaching light speed.

With Janine facing setbacks and abuse from all sides, Cindy vows to keep a terrible secret from her daughter.

Length: 146 pages

Click to see if this book is still FREE:
'59 Part 2 - Valiant

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NOTE - Before purchasing Free Kindle Books, make sure that it is in fact still free. Though free at time of posting, prices may change at any time. Be sure to verify that the “Kindle Price” is still $0.00, before purchasing. If you do happen to buy a book that you thought was free, you can return the book within 7 days for a full refund. Due to international copyrights, not all titles will be free outside the United States.


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More Frugal Blogs and Websites:
Born to Love: All your cloth diapering needs, and much more - naturally! We are strong advocates of the personal, social and environmental benefits of natural parenting.

Frugal Baby Tips: Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, slings and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, more!
MyHabit: Girls Dress Deals: Starting at $10 - This collection boasts everything from polka dots to florals to ruffles to sporty stripesLittle girls can never have too many cute dresses, and the ones here are particularly adorable.

This collection boasts everything from polka dots to florals to ruffles to sporty stripes.

These are the sort of pieces that are dressy enough to wear to Grandma's house, but comfy enough for play dates.

The details: Brands include Coupe Cutie, LA Lounge, Laura Ashley and more.

Click for more Girls Dress Deals

NOTE: Event Ends Sun Sep 2 at 9 AM PT

C'est Chouette Couture Fantasia Dress
MyHabit: Girls Dress Deals: C'est Chouette Couture Fantasia Dress - Blooming  with fantasy and flair, elegant velvet bodice with beautiful, beaded  floral appliqués, taffeta skirt, back zipper and adjustable tie

Blooming with fantasy and flair, elegant velvet bodice with beautiful, beaded floral appliqués, taffeta skirt, back zipper and adjustable tie
  • Fabric: 100% Polyester; Trim: 100% Silk
  • Lining: 100% Acetate
  • Care instructions: Dry clean only
  • Measurements: shoulder to hemline 27", sleeve length 3", taken from size 5
  • Country of origin: United States
  • International shipping available
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C'est Chouette Couture Jackie-O Ruffle Dress
MyHabit: Girls Dress Deals: C'est Chouette Couture Jackie-O Ruffle Dress - Sequins, ruffles and feathers make any occasion special and this darling dress zips up the back with a bow to finish it off

Sequins, ruffles and feathers make any occasion special and this darling dress zips up the back with a bow to finish it off
  • Fabric: polyester
  • Lining: 100% Nylon
  • Care instructions: Dry clean
  • Measurements: shoulder to hemline 27.5", sleeve length 4", taken from size 4
  • Country of origin: United States
  • International shipping available
  • Fast, Free Shipping and Free Return Shipping in the US

Blush by US Angels Lace-Trimmed Chiffon Dress
MyHabit: Girls Dress Deals: Blush by US Angels Lace-Trimmed Chiffon Dress - Lightweight crinkled chiffon, front and back V-neck, sheer lace straps and ruffled hem underlay, elasticized waist with light gathering

Lightweight crinkled chiffon, front and back V-neck, sheer lace straps and ruffled hem underlay, elasticized waist with light gathering
  • Fabric: 100% Polyester; Contrast: 97% Polyester/3% Spandex
  • Lining: 100% Polyester
  • Care instructions: Hand wash
  • Measurements: shoulder to hemline 28", taken from size 7
  • Country of origin: Sri Lanka
  • International shipping available
  • Fast, Free Shipping and Free Return Shipping in the US

Darcy Brown London Baroque Dress
MyHabit: Girls Dress Deals: Darcy Brown London Baroque Dress - Soft fabric with feminine pleats, rosettes and attached frilly slip, buttons up the back

Soft fabric with feminine pleats, rosettes and attached frilly slip, buttons up the back
  • Fabric: 100% cotton
  • Lining: 100% Cotton
  • Care instructions: Machine wash
  • Measurements: shoulder to hemline 26", taken from size 4 Years
  • Country of origin: Portugal
  • International shipping available
  • Fast, Free Shipping and Free Return Shipping in the US

MYHABIT is Amazon’s new private fashion sale site offering up to 60% off hand-picked styles from designer and boutique brands, featuring apparel, shoes, jewelry and accessories for men, women and children.

New sale events start every day and typically run for 72 hours; product inventory is limited and is available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Click for more deals for the whole family

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Click to see all the details

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Enjoying all the freebies? Want to keep up with the latest free stuff, deals, coupons, and other ways to save money? Subscribe to Frugal Freebies' email updates or RSS Feed! - it's free!

Check us out on Twitter, and join in the conversation of even more great freebies, deals and coupons on our Frugal Freebies fan page on Facebook and Google+. We are even on Pinterest!

More Frugal Blogs and Websites:
Born to Love: All your cloth diapering needs, and much more - naturally! We are strong advocates of the personal, social and environmental benefits of natural parenting.

Frugal Baby Tips: Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, slings and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, more!

Do you have the crushed tissue box in the car problem? Here is an inventive, yet cheap and easy solution!

How to do it:
Get a Gladware, Rubbermaid or Ziplock large size rectangle container, and a low profile Kleenex box.

Cut a slot in the bottom of the plastic container.

Place your tissue box upside down, inside the plastic container. Close with lid.

Turn over, pull tissue thru the slot you cut - and Voila!

No more crushed tissue box in your car!

Idea and photo from: pagemaps.com

From our Facebook fan page:

Alex Summersell posted: Mine usually would get smushed and have a drink spilled on it. This works for both.

Kimberly-Clark Kleenex Facial Tissue in Pop-Up Box, White, 125 Tissues per Box (21606)Rubbermaid TakeAlongs 4-Cup Rectangle Containers, Pack of 3 - New quick click seal - improved lid clicks in place, ensuring contents are secure
Shopping Suggestions:
Rubbermaid TakeAlongs Rectangle Containers
Kleenex Facial Tissue
Winnie the Pooh Home Tissue Box Cover Case Holder
Cute Cartoon Tissue Box Cover Organizer Holder

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Enjoying all the freebies? Want to keep up with the latest free stuff, deals, coupons, and other ways to save money? Subscribe to Frugal Freebies' email updates or RSS Feed! - it's free!

Check us out on Twitter, and join in the conversation of even more great freebies, deals and coupons on our Frugal Freebies fan page on Facebook and Google+. We are even on Pinterest!

More Frugal Blogs and Websites:
Born to Love: All your cloth diapering needs, and much more - naturally! We are strong advocates of the personal, social and environmental benefits of natural parenting.

Frugal Baby Tips: Money-saving tips on diapering, diaper washing, safety, slings and baby carriers, toys, clothing, nursing, menstrual needs, traveling with kids, more!
Kindle Book Bargains: The Soldier's Wife, by Margaret Leroy. Publisher: Hyperion; Original edition (June 28, 2011)The Soldier's Wife
by Margaret Leroy

-- A novel full of grand passion and intensity, The Soldier’s Wife asks “What would you do for your family”? “What should you do for a stranger”? “What would you do for love”?

As World War II draws closer and closer to Guernsey, Vivienne de la Mare knows that there will be sacrifices to be made. Not just for herself, but for her two young daughters and for her mother-in-law, for whom she cares while her husband is away fighting.

What she does not expect is that she will fall in love with one of the enigmatic German soldiers who take up residence in the house next door to her home. As their relationship intensifies, so do the pressures on Vivienne.

Food and resources grow scant, and the restrictions placed upon the residents of the island grow with each passing week. Though Vivienne knows the perils of her love affair with Gunther, she believes that she can keep their relationship—and her family—safe.

But when she becomes aware of the full brutality of the Occupation, she must decide if she is willing to risk her personal happiness for the life of a stranger.

Length: 416 pages

Click for more info:
The Soldier's Wife
or to sample this book for FREE!

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Kindle Book Bargains: A Certain Slant of Light, by Laura Whitcomb. Publisher: Graphia (September 21, 2005)A Certain Slant of Light
by Laura Whitcomb

-- Grade 9 Up – Laura Whitcomb's compellingly complicated story (Graphix, 2005) combines dead spirits, existential angst, teens in modern families inhabiting both ends of the neglected/overprotected spectrum, unprotected teen sex, accusations of misconduct against a teacher, and requited love.

Helen, who died as a young woman in the mid-19th century, has not been able to attain her final rest.

Across the years, she has attached her invisible self to one living host after another, staying by each one's side so as to maintain enough life force to work through whatever happened at her death—and in her own life—that won't allow her to go peacefully.

The hosts have no conscious sense of her presence—she does them no harm—and Helen moves on to a new host when her current one dies.

In the 21st century, she's been attached to a high school English teacher. Helen realizes that a student in one of the classes sees her quite clearly.

In fact, the contemporary student, Billy, is actually a young man named James who, like Helen, died but has gone a step beyond haunting a living host to inhabiting the living body of one.

Lauren Molina's performance of this ghost story is appropriately breathy, although some of the characters—including James—sound too young because of her high voice.

The denouement here is exciting and unexpected, giving listeners much to ponder and discuss: Are such hauntings plausible? How responsible are overly protective parents for poor decisions their teens make?

When is circumstantial evidence really enough for anyone to draw absolutely certain conclusions?

Length: 291 pages

Click for more info:
A Certain Slant of Light
or to sample this book for FREE!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Kindle Book Bargains: Becoming (Daughters of Saraqael Book One), by Raine Thomas. Publisher: Iambe Books (July 24, 2011)Becoming
(Daughters of Saraqael Book One)
by Raine Thomas

-- Every three years, Amber Hopkins explodes. Okay, not a blown-to-smithereens explosion, but whatever it is always hurts like hell and leaves her life a shambles.

She’s already worked her way through five foster placements, and she’s doing whatever she can to avoid getting blasted into a sixth.

As her eighteenth birthday approaches and she feels the strange and powerful energy building, disaster looms. When the inevitable explosion occurs, her life gets its biggest shakeup yet.

She’ll not only learn how her fellow foster and best friend, Gabriel, really feels about her, but she’ll discover that she isn’t really without family.

To top it all off, she’ll finally find out why she’s having the power surges: she isn’t entirely human.

Amber must Become, transitioning to another plane of existence and risking the loss of the most important relationship she’s ever had.

Her choice will impact the future of an entire race of beings, and will pit her against an enemy that will prey upon her doubt to try and take her very life.

Kind of makes the explosions now seem like a cakewalk.

Length: 261 pages

Click for more info:
or to sample this book for FREE!

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

Kindle Book Bargains: Pulse of Heroes Part I (The Pulse Myths series), by A. Jacob Sweeny. Publisher: Thalamus Press; 1 edition (October 31, 2010)Pulse of Heroes Part I
(The Pulse Myths series)
by A. Jacob Sweeny

-- A suspenseful, passionate, paranormal romance that sweeps through the emotions of first love and heartache as it traverses centuries and continents.

Michelle used to feel like she was behind in everything, especially school and relationships. Her great aunt from the old country says she is like a bland meal, "no salt or pepper".

But in junior year, everything changes. Her father takes a position on the Town Council, a popular boy in school becomes interested in her, and most importantly, the Hekademos Learning Center, a private school for 'troubled' students, moves into her quiet neighborhood amidst the protests of the entire town.

After seeing the School Regent out with a group of young guys just before Christmas, Michelle is convinced that there is something odd about them. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she embarks upon a mission to figure out what is really going on.

After an embarrassing fall over the school wall, Michelle meets Elliot and her ordinary 'bland' life changes its course forever.

Elliot is no ordinary human. In fact, no one at the Hekademos Learning Center is. Beautiful and fierce, they have survived throughout the millennia by weaving in and out of human events.

Through them, Michelle learns that history and myths from around the world are dotted with references to their kind. Michelle falls madly in love with the ever-striking and mysterious Elliot and, as much as he tries to fight it, he develops powerful feelings for her as well.

Although Elliot carries numerous painful memories from his many pasts, he disregards his own better judgment and the advice of his friends, and finds himself falling for Michelle's offbeat personality.

Their feelings grow in intensity, but when History catches up with them, the difference between their life paths threatens to destroy any future that they might have had together.

Michelle learns that there are infinite shades of gray between black and white, and has to deal with the bundle of contradictory emotions called love. After some unexpected twists during a family trip to Europe, she has to trust her intuition in order to face the danger and uncertainty of being drawn into Elliot's wondrous world.

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Length: 540 pages

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