
July 22, 2018

GOOD IDEA - or - WASTE OF MONEY: Lay-n-Go Original Activity Mat

Image: Lay-n-Go Original Activity Mat
Lay-n-Go Original Activity Mat
Lay-n-Go Original Activity Mat

Lay-n-Go is a 5-foot diameter activity mat that converts into an easily transportable shoulder satchel allowing for quick and effortless clean-up of small toy pieces.

Toy collections used on the Lay-n-Go surface are easily spread out (no dumping needed) for hours of fun.

Once playtime is over, the drawstring is pulled and the activity mat is converted back into a completely sealed soft storage bag.

Lay-n-Go is a smart and easy activity mat, cleanup, storage and carry-all solution in one.

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From our Facebook fan page:
• Andrea Deale Emily posted: A blanket works just as well and it's a WHOLE lot cheaper!

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