Frugal Tip: Make Your Own Dishwasher Detergent
How "Crunchy" are you? Would you make your own dishwasher detergent? What if it not only saved you money, but worked better than the commercial stuff?
I am thinking that if you are truly crunchy, you would not use a dishwasher, but would wash all your dishes by hand.
Well, I guess if you were truly crunchy, you would use sand to clean your dishes - but I don't think I am willing to go that far! LOL
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Rachele Burke posted: Truly crunchy would just eat with their hands, LOL
I know that some feel that you use less water when you use a dishwasher - but you don't use less energy. And I think it depends on how you wash, if you use more water one way or another?
Does Using a Dishwasher Actually Decrease Water Use? - The study found the average dishwasher uses between 12 and 16 litres (3-4.25 gallons) of water, while washing dishes by hand uses as much as 63 litres (16.5 gallons).
I certainly do not use 16 gallons of water to wash dishes and it never takes me 80 minutes! I fill the sink half-way, which is what? A couple of gallons, and can do most of the day's dishes within 15 minutes.
Homemade Dishwasher Soap Recipe
1 cup Borax
1 cup washing soda
½ cup kosher salt (or table salt)
½ cup citric acid (double this if you have hard water)
Mix everything together and store in a plastic container. Use 1 Tbsp per load. Use white vinegar in the rinse aid compartment of your dishwasher to help keep your dishes from getting spotty.
From our Facebook fan page:
Katie Bug posted: When I'm broke and out of soap for laundry, I save old used bars of soap and boil them down and TaDa! Laundry soap!!!
Kahren Pelzer posted: I use my dishwasher a lot. Thank you so much!
Elaine Murszewski posted: WOW thank you for this! Is there a place on your website that has all these great tips?
All the tips:
Dawn Yoder posted: If I had a dishwasher, I'd certainly try it. I make my own laundry detergent and love the money I save. It would certainly be worth trying
Deedee Warner posted: The most energy is used by a dishwasher during the heat dry cycle, which is why I never use it; I just leave the door cracked to the dishwasher
Jenni Evans Froelich posted: I tried this and it was horrible. Loved the homemade laundry soap though
Luanne Claybrook posted: I would try it since I already have most of the ingredients to make it, but I'm not confident it will work better than my Cascade action pacs :) I have tried many other brands and nothing else works like Cascade. I found that the old saying "you get what you pay for" rings very true when it comes to dishwasher detergent.
Jessica Stillman posted: Luanne, I was a Cascade fan as well. Swore by it. But one time I couldn't afford it so I got some Eco friendly tabs that were on sale at Safeway. The brand is Ecover. The dishwasher tabs work SO much better than Cascade. I live in an area with extremely hard water, and my dishes are now sparkling and my glasses are not cloudy looking anymore.
Jenni Evans Froelich posted: Vinegar does help, but if your glasses are really cloudy already it won't make them clear again
Jessica Stillman posted: If your glasses are really cloudy, you can soak them in warm water and white vinegar to remove it. I just soak them in my sink and don't be frugal with the vinegar!
Roberta Murray posted: Using the dishwasher DOES save water but you have to turn off the heat dry setting and crack the door... [I mean] open it, don't break it!

Shopping Suggestions:
• 20 Mule Team Natural Laundry Booster and Multi-Purpose Cleaner
• Arm + Hammer Super Washing Soda
• AzureGreen Kosher Salt
• SAAQIN® Citric Acid
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