Frugal Tip: Lazy Susan in the Fridge
So who has already thought of this idea? Stop searching and reaching for the items in your refrigerator! Put a Lazy Susan in the fridge!
I found this on:
But at $20.00 a piece, I thought I would check for a cheaper option on Amazon. Here are a couple that I found:
• Copco Non-Skid Cabinet Turntable
• Cook N Home Two Tier Lazy Susan
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When I told my husband about the idea - he said what he wanted was a drawer he could pull out - to see everything at the back.
So I grabbed a basket - about 11" wide by 15" long by 4" deep - that I had bought at the Dollar Store, filled it up with all the jarred stuff that gets forgotten, and put it back in the fridge.
It works great! I wonder if he will notice when he gets home from work today?
Photo credit: Catherine McDiarmid-Watt
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From our Facebook fan page:
Deedee Warner posted: The Dollar Tree sometimes has these too.
Ginny Flom Villers posted: I need these! I'm forever losing or forgetting things in the back of the fridge.
Sharon Hallman posted: I recycle the turntables out of broken microwaves to use for free.
Angela Mendonca-Burch posted: Love this! I use one next to my stove and put my spices on it. Very handy!
Brandy-Lyn Flanders Pahlke posted: Brilliant idea Sharon! I love that!
Linda Edwards posted: I did this years ago. It is a good idea
Tracey Bowman Kiger posted: Dollar General for about $3.00-$4.00 and are made by Rubbermaid.
Rosanna Saraceno Woldridge posted: Ikea has some also (much less than $20)
Regina Greene-Pinckert posted: Thought about it, but it takes up too much of my shelf space. My condiments stay in the door.
Sophia Upton posted: Love these! I have them and it organizes great. They're also great to use in cabinets for seasoning and so on!
Linda Price Reinwald posted: I've had one in my fridge for years... compliments of my mother's idea!
Clara Odom posted: That is a Great Idea, So the $2.00 Lazy Susan in my store just went up to $3.00. lol

Shopping Suggestions:
• Cook N Home Two Tier Lazy Susan
• Copco Non-Skid Cabinet Turntable
• Madesmart Turntable
• Sterilite Ultra Basket with Titanium Inserts
• Sterilite Corp. 16098024 Storage Basket
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!
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