
March 15, 2019

Frugal Tip: Homemade Kid Trays

Image: Since I know we will be eating while on the road, I converted some cereal boxes into homemade kid trays
Photo Credit: Melanie Berkowitz - All rights reserved.
Here is a great frugal idea from one of our readers!

Melanie Berkowitz wrote:

We are taking the kids on vacation and one of my pet peeves is dropped food in the car.

Since I know we will be eating while on the road, I converted some cereal boxes into homemade kid trays. (Not sure where the inspiration came from!!! LOL)

Image: I taped all around the empty box sides to make it stronger. Then, I snipped off a long narrow piece of the leftover cardboard that I was tossing
Photo Credit: Melanie Berkowitz - All rights reserved.
HOW TO MAKE: I taped all around the empty box sides to make it stronger.

Then, I snipped off a long narrow piece of the leftover cardboard that I was tossing.

With this piece of cardboard, using packing tape, I taped it across one corner, to make a drink holder (it is surprisingly strong!)

Thanks to Melanie Berkowitz for this Frugal Tip!

From our Facebook fan page:

Maria Lafreniere posted: Fantastic idea, and if you do it with boxes with those activities on the back - they can flip it over when they are done, and amuse with the activities

Trisha Ferrugia posted: Great idea, and great idea Maria too - and if there are no activities, print several from a site and tape them to the back to keep them busy!

Danielle McCurley posted: I love this! I'm going to do it for the house. My daughter likes to eat lunch in the living room, but she's so small the fold-out tables are too high, so she ends up setting her plate or bowl on the couch! This would create less mess!!

Amy Muir posted: Great job! You can even pretty it up with some of the awesome colored duct tapes they have out now, and make it even stronger.

Nadine Botham posted: Or .... the cardboard at the bottom of some cases of bottled water (I'm thinking of Life Brand because I just emptied a 12 pk), would require no cutting, and children could decorate the plain brown cardboard as they wish.

Image: General Mills Cheerios Honey Nut Cereal | Sweetened whole grain oat cereal with real honey and natural almond flavor
Shopping Suggestions:
General Mills Cheerios Honey Nut Cereal
Evriholder Crayola Sandwich Container
Sunshine Cheez-It Cheese Crackers Snack Pack Bags
Capri Sun Variety Pack

NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!

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