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Frugal Tip: Fixing a Broken Zipper

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Sunday, July 01, 2018 | 0 comments

Image: TecUnite 85 Pieces Zipper Replacement | Zipper Repair Kit | Zipper Install Pliers Tool
Zipper Repair Kit
What do you do when a zipper breaks?

Toss out the item of clothing?

Now you can save your favorite piece of clothing with this handy tip!

This will work on any kind of zipper, whether on clothes, bags and even on furniture covers.

Doing this is much cheaper than having to completely replace the whole zipper!

How to repair a broken zipper

Sometimes the teeth on a zipper do not line up right, causing the zipper to catch.

Follow these basic instructions to easily fix your zipper.

You will need:
-- Needle nose pliers
-- Scissors
-- Thick thread – This is thicker than regular sewing thread, often used for buttons or repairing jeans.
-- Sewing Needle
-- or grab a Zipper Repair Kit on Amazon.

Instructions: How to Fix a Broken Zipper

From our Facebook fan page:

Becky Kufner-Allcox posted: OMG, this is perfect! Pretty much every one of my husband's hoodies is broken.

Jennifer Logan posted: I'm gonna get some good thread this weekend! I couldn't bring myself to throw out my favorite jeans that did this a few months ago ... good thing!!

Jenness Marielouise Moss Stock posted: Or you can take them to your local dry cleaner. They replace a zipper for a very nominal fee. I know this site is suggesting a more frugal way to do it, but sometimes the time and effort saved are worth letting someone else do it for a small charge!

Michelle Dabomb Brown posted: Use fishing line. May sound dumb, but it has saved all my snow gear! It's not cheap and when a strap's stitching comes off on a hill you'll understand. I reinforce every stitch on all our gear immediately after its purchase to make sure no accidents happen!

Amy Madsen Bjerke posted: I hope this will work on my son's backpack.

Gwen Mahar posted: A new zipper is $10-$12 here, so when the kids break a zipper it's not always worth fixing so good tip.

Image:Coolcycling 6 Pack Zipper Replacement | Universal Zipper Repair Kit | Universal Zipper Head Zipper Tool
Shopping Suggestions:
Universal Zipper Repair Kit
Ziplon Coil Zipper
Tekton Needle Nose Pliers
Fiskars Everyday Scissors
Coats + Clark Denim Thread For Jeans

NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!

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About Catherine: I have been writing frugal tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three sons, who are all grown up - and re-married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and Bella, the cat.

Questions? Email me at catherine (at) frugal-freebies.com or post to my Facebook Fan Page!

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