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Free Kindle Books and Daily Deals - 6/30/12

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Saturday, June 30, 2012 | 0 comments

Kindle Daily Deal: Today only, all the novels in CJ Lyons's best-selling "Hart and Drake" and "Shadow Ops" series are just $0.99 each. Kindle books can be read on Kindle devices and free Kindle reading apps.

Nerves of Steel (Hart and Drake #1), by CJ Lyons (414 pages)
Sleight of Hand (Hart and Drake #2), by CJ Lyons (402 pages)
Face to Face (Hart and Drake #3), by CJ Lyons (276 pages)
Chasing Shadows: Shadow Ops Book #1, by CJ Lyons (207 pages)
Lost in Shadows: Shadow Ops, Book #2, by CJ Lyons (207 pages)

Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.

Kindle Daily Deal: Ep. 1 - Aurora: CV-01 (The Frontiers Saga), by Ryk Brown. Publisher: Ryk Brown (December 19, 2011)Kindle Daily Deal: Aurora: CV-01
(The Frontiers Saga)
by Ryk Brown

-- A world recovering from a devastating plague…
A brutal enemy threatening invasion…
A young man seeking to escape the shadow of his father…
A ship manned by a crew of fresh academy graduates…
A top-secret experimental propulsion system…
A questionable alliance with a mysterious green-eyed woman…

What destiny has in store for the crew of the UES Aurora, is far greater than any of them could ever imagine. And this is only the beginning…

Length: 216 pages (estimated)

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Kindle Daily Deal: Scam (Stanley Hastings Mystery, #12), by Parnell Hall. Publisher: Parnell Hall (September 29, 2010)Free Kindle Book: Scam
(Stanley Hastings Mystery, #12)
by Parnell Hall

-- Parnell Hall's Scam proves once and for all that murder can be funny--as well as mind-boggling. The charming hero of Hall's series of mysteries is Stanley Hastings, a nonviolent, slightly neurotic investigator who pays the rent by working for a New York negligence lawyer.

When one of Stanley's clients claim he's being set up by one of the partners in an investment firm, the erstwhile PI doesn't take him seriously--until the bodies pile up and Stanley falls under suspicion of murder.

Hall performs miraculous feats in the course of this rollicking tale: he constructs a remarkably labyrinthine plot and manages to tie off all the loose ends while maintaining a madcap pace marked by hilarious crosstalk and knockabout interactions between Stanley and his cop foil that would do P. G. Wodehouse proud.

Length: 463 pages

Click for this FREE book

FREE KINDLE BOOK: Cherry On Top, by Kathleen Long. Publisher: Kathleen Long; 1 edition (May 22, 2012)FREE KINDLE BOOK: Cherry On Top
by Kathleen Long

-- Life... When Cherry Harte wins the lottery, she sets out to reinvent her life. New villa. New wardrobe. New personal history.

The only thing that can stop her now is her wacky family and the hunky mechanic who kicks her libido from zero to sixty in no time flat.

Luck... Luke Chance has had it with women, especially women with new money, yet Cherry Harte seems to be far more than a pretty package. But is she on the lam? The woman's hiding something, and Luke intends to find out what. He's a man on mission. Call it...


Length: 352 pages

Click for this FREE book

FREE KINDLE BOOK: Book of Nathan, by Curt Weeden, Richard Marek. Publisher: Oceanview Publishing (August 2, 2010)FREE KINDLE BOOK: Book of Nathan
by Curt Weeden, Richard Marek

-- The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Rick Bullock is about to learn just how true that is

Rick Bullock takes the road less traveled when he quits his job as an advertising executive to become director of a homeless shelter. Trading in a six-figure salary for paltry pay and even less respect? Costly. But helping one man get back on his feet? Priceless.

When Zeus, a mentally-challenged gentle giant and longtime shelter resident, is arrested for murdering evangelist Benjamin Kurios, Rick wants answers. Convinced Zeus is incapable of such a horrific act, Rick, along with a colorful cadre of characters, sets off on a journey to keep an innocent man off death row.

The trip takes a disturbing detour when the bizarre group stumbles upon a transcript of the Book of Nathan, a lost book of the Bible that finally ends the debate about when a human inherits a soul.

As this controversial discovery attracts the sinister attentions of a Jersey mobster, pro-life and pro-choice groups, and a devious billionaire used to getting his way, Rick scrambles to stay one step ahead on this dangerous road—and save Zeus before time runs out.

Rick Bullock knows how to save a life, but this time, his life may be the one at stake.

Length: 276 pages

Click for this FREE book

NOTE - Before purchasing Free Kindle Books, make sure that it is in fact still free. Though free at time of posting, prices may change at any time. Be sure to verify that the “Kindle Price” is $0.00, before purchasing. If you do happen to buy a book that you thought was free, you can return the book within 7 days for a full refund.

More free Kindle Books
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NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!

- This was posted by Catherine on June 30, 2012 -


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About Catherine: I have been writing frugal tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three sons, who are all grown up - and re-married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and Bella, the cat.

Questions? Email me at catherine (at) frugal-freebies.com or post to my Facebook Fan Page!

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