Free Kindle Books and Daily Deals - 6/17/12 (ALL)
KINDLE DAILY DEAL: Mystery and Thriller books
Today only (June 17, 2012), all the novels in five acclaimed, page-turning mystery and thriller series are just $0.99 each
• They Never Die Quietly, by D.M. Annechino
• Resuscitation, by D.M. Annechino
• Liquid Fear, by Scott Nicholson
• Chronic Fear, by Scott Nicholson
• Up Jumped the Devil (A Darryl Billups Mystery), by Blair S. Walker
• Hidden in Plain View (A Darryl Billups Mystery), by Blair S. Walker
• Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes (A Darryl Billups Mystery), by Blair S. Walker
• Asylum Harbor, by Traci Hohenstein
• Burn Out, by Traci Hohenstein
• Punctured (Las Vegas Mystery), by Rex Kusler
• Ashes to Dust (Las Vegas Mystery), by Rex Kusler
• Desert Drop (Las Vegas Mystery), by Rex Kusler
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(Book 1)
by Dahlia Lu
-- Imprisoned by the Archangel Lucifer ages ago, Summit, the Dark God, wanted nothing more than equivalent retribution. After breaking free and successfully retaining some of his sanity, Summit sets out to confront Lucifer. The Archangel is nowhere to be found.
He did, however, leave behind his most coveted mortal bride. The Dark God stormed into Hell to capture Lucifer’s one and only weakness, but inadvertently abducted the wrong female – his own.
As a mortal raised among the demons inside a floating castle in Hell, Amara’s life is not exactly what you would call normal. When she finds herself abducted by a half-mad god, who mistook her for the woman who brought her up, Amara chose to hide her identity to protect her foster mother at the risk of her own life.
Length: 170 pages
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(With Illustrations, Calories and Nutrition Data)
by Amanda Miocic
-- 30 Tasty and Easy Chicken Breast Recipes...
over 120 pages of Recipes with
Over 70 Illustrations! Nutritional Values and Calories Count.
- Ingredients, Conversion Tool for non American measurements
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- Photos How it's Supposed to look Cooked
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Length: 119 pages (estimated)
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by Michael Patrick Clark
-- Gerald Hammond is the exception to the rule; an honourable spy, whose lofty principles have brought him nothing but loneliness and isolation. Catherine Schmidt is the stunning young daughter of an assassinated spymaster, whose murderous quest for vengeance has left her at the mercy of the infamous Head of Soviet State Security.
On a covert operation, in Soviet-occupied Germany, Hammond has no knowledge of the unseen forces that sponsor and oppose his mission. He only knows that he must somehow save her to save himself, but, as ever-more disturbing revelations come to light, begins to wonder which poses the greater threat; the enemy he runs from, or the friend he runs to?
Set against a factual background of government conspiracy, and one of the most audacious espionage coups in history, the Folks at Fifty-Eight is a beautifully-paced tale of seduction, betrayal, blackmail, and murder that blurs the boundaries between fact and fiction.
Length: 465 pages
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by Anna Jeffrey
-- When Texas beauty Dahlia Montgomery’s husband winds up dead in a car crash with another woman by his side, Dahlia is forced to face challenges she had never imagined. Not only had he been unfaithful, he left her broke and saddled with a small Dallas software company under investigation by the SEC and the IRS.
She handled all of it with her usual calm efficiency, but she had to take bankruptcy and abandon a promising business career of her own. With no other options, Shattered and depressed, she moved back to her small West Texas hometown to live with her father and help him in his mom and pop grocery store.
Two years later, her life still is going nowhere and she's miserable. She allows her best friend to drag her off to the Idaho wilderness to work on a surveying crew for the summer. The friend’s idea is for a different environment to elevate Dahlia’s mood and give her a different perspective on life. And it does. Just when she thought she would never meet another man she could or would trust, she runs into, literally, wealthy cattle rancher, Luke McRae.
Length: 368 pages
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- This was posted by Catherine on June 17, 2012 -
Reader tip submitted: Not valid in Quebec? Try putting in your postal code, but another province instead of Quebec. It is hit or miss, but she says sometimes she gets the freebie - because the post office sorts by postal code, not province. Let your conscience be your guide on this.
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