Better Cake Mix Trick
GREAT IDEA! Better Cake Mix Trick
Look at the directions on the cake mix box…
-- add one more egg (or add two additional if you want it to be really rich)
-- double the oil amount, but use melted butter instead of oil
-- use milk instead of water....
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Ideas from our Frugal Freebies Facebook fan page:
Jennifer McGraw Kilburne posted: That's too much to remember. I just add a big scoop of mayo to a cake mix. Perfect cake every time.
Kim Stenson posted: Add 1 pkg. dry pudding mix in the flavor of the cake your making, so moist and so good...
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!
- This was posted by Catherine on June 30, 2012 -

Shopping Suggestions:
• Duncan Hines Signature Yellow Cake Mix
• Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, Triple Chocolate
• Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Spice Cake Mix
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