Beauty Tip: Advil Liqui-Gels = Zit Zapper
Advil Liqui-Gels= Zit Zapper
Have you ever tried this? Let us know if it works!
DIY dilemma: A pimple has reared its ugly head and you’ve got nothing more than the contents of the office first aid kit to tame it.
Mission accomplished: Aspirin has long been known as an in-a-pinch zit zapper -- but technology has created pimple-fighter 2.0 thanks to liquid gel formulas.
“I hear makeup artists use this all the time on models backstage at fashion shows,” says beauty guru Robin Coe-Hutshing. “Open up an Advil gel cap and apply it right onto the pimple. It takes the swelling down right away.”
Photo credit: Fotosearch / Getty Images
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Shopping Suggestions:
• Advil liquid filled capsules - 120ct
• Advil Liqui-Gels E-Z Open Cap, 120ct
• Advil Liqui-Gels Dispenser, 2 Liqui-Gels, 50ct
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- This was posted by Catherine on June 28, 2012 -
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