Catherine McDiarmid-Watt |
Friday, May 25, 2012 |
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Kindle Daily Deal: Greyhound
-- It's 1981. 11-year-old Sebastien Ranes is taking a trip. He doesn't exactly understand why, but he accepts it. His mother often seems too emotionally detached to care for him. Her latest boyfriend Dick takes cruel pleasure in mimicking the boy’s stuttering, and wants to live his life without "somebody else's kid" getting in the way. So it's no surprise when they pack his bags to send him away. It is a surprise when they send him alone.
Ushered from his Stockton, California home, Sebastien must fend for himself and travel two thousand miles across the country to live with his grandmother and sister in Pennsylvania. Along the way, he learns that sometimes caring, guidance and understanding can come from some unlikely people.
Marcus is a man who has been neglected more by society than his family. As a young black ex-con, he is not the epitome of the person most would pick as a chaperone for their child's cross country trip. Yet rather than be held apart by their differences, Marcus and Sebastien are drawn together by the things that make us all alike. As both guide and protector, Marcus imparts his own style of wisdom while showing Sebastien that, despite the darker side of the human condition, people can and do care for one another.
Length: 256 pages
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Which Book Starts With These Famous Lines?
- We've all heard these famous first lines of iconic novels, but can you match them to the book they come from?
Kindle Daily Deal: The Collectors
-- Disgraced British soldier and disenchanted mercenary, Petros Kyriades, is one half of an elite pair of soldiers-for-hire known as
'The Collectors'. William
('Bear') Morris, ex-SAS sergeant, is the other half.
Their motto is,
"If it's there we will find it, and for the right price recover it."
Accountant Bernie Cohen cannot recall the first ten years of his life. But with the assistance of a psychiatrist, he exposes an undesirable truth.
An abandoned house close to Chernobyl holds the mystery of his past, and Bernie hires
The Collectors to retrieve something that should have remained hidden.
The Collectors always play the game by their rules – that is until someone or something forces them to rewrite them.
Length: 246 pages
Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
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FREE KINDLE BOOK: Where Love Once Lived
-- She'd once loved a bookmobile driver. Memories of that time with him poured in so rapidly she caught her breath. It'd been long ago, but her heart remembered. At first she remembered the love she'd felt back then, but the good memories didn't last long.
She'd gone to the bookmobile as usual that last day, but nothing was to be the same again. She went to Brian with love and exciting news. She left alone. Not just without him, but alone in the world and apart from God.
Is it ever too late to find happiness? No, says Sidney W. Frost in his inspirational Christian novel,
Where Love Once Lived. Brian Donelson returns to his hometown after a thirty-year absence to win back his beloved Karen.
But Karen, who has grown closer to God than he has, harbors a secret that keeps her away from Brian at all costs. While driving the local bookmobile, Brian struggles to earn her trust, even as he grapples with secrets of his own. With God’s help, can these two find happiness?
Length: 298 pages
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Weirdest Books Ever
- These are some of the weirdest books that I'll probably never read.
-- A night of passion has forever bound Jenna Morgan to a man she thought she would spend her future with. Instead, he dumped her with barely a word of explanation and left the state.
Three years later, she’s a single mom struggling to provide for her son and young sister, and harassed by an obsessed stalker.
After leaving home three years ago to run his aging grandfather’s ranch in Texas, Sam Strickland returns to Tennessee to discover a child he didn’t know existed.
He thought he was saving Jenna’s future when he left home, and left her behind. He never dreamed he’d return to see a child with eyes the same shade as his own - and Jenna in serious trouble.
Sam thinks his only dilemma is whether he can earn back the trust of the woman he loves and commit to the responsibility of fatherhood. But Jenna’s life is more complicated than he could have imagined and he finds himself involved in a dangerous situation that could threaten his new son’s life.
Length: 232 pages
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Celeb Cookbooks You Need to See 
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FREE KINDLE BOOK: Sloane Monroe Series Boxed Set (Books 1-3)
-- Cheryl Bradshaw's library of the
Sloane Monroe Series, Books 1-3
(three complete novels):
Enter the world of Sloane Monroe in Black Diamond Death...
On the slopes of Park City, Utah’s newest ski resort a woman is found dead. At first glance, it has all the makings of an accident. But what if she was murdered? Although skeptical, PI Sloane Monroe takes the case and learns not everyone is who they seem, and some will go to any lengths to protect their identity.
PI Sloane Monroe has solved every case that’s come across her desk with the exception of one—the brutal murder of her sister Gabrielle. Three years have passed without a trace of the serial killer until today, when a young woman’s body is discovered on a patch of dirt in front of the local supermarket. Will Sloane exact her revenge before Sinnerman slays his next victim, or will she be too late?
It’s been twenty years since PI Sloane Monroe has returned to her hometown of Tehachapi, California, but when a former classmate is stabbed and tossed overboard during the high school reunion cruise, Sloane isn’t about to allow a murderer to run free in her own backyard. But in a town where everyone is harboring secrets, how many more men will die before she discovers the truth?
Length: 566 pages
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- This was posted by Catherine on May 25, 2012 -
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