Free Kindle Books and Daily Deals - 5/23/12 (ALL)
Kindle Daily Deal: Mystery Walk
-- Billy Creekmore was born to be a psychic. His mother, a Choctaw Indian schooled in her tribe’s ancient mysticism, understood that the barrier between life and death is permeable.
She knew how to cross it, and used that knowledge to help the dead rest easier. She passed that power on to her son, and he has spent his whole life learning how to communicate with the dead to prevent them from meddling with the living.
Though his powers are the same, Wayne Falconer’s background could not be more different. The son of a prominent preacher, he would be disowned if his father learned he was using supernatural powers in service of the church.
Though they don’t know each other, Billy and Wayne share a recurring dream—and a common enemy. When a nightmarish monster descends on their community in Alabama, mankind’s fate will rest in their hands.
Length: 436 pages
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-- Many annuals have passed since Estelan was nearly destroyed in a great battle between two deities.
Isthile is all that remains. Built and protected over generations by survivors who evolved and learned to exist in the shadows of the ever watchful moon.
In one evening the fragile existence of Isthile is threatened when remnants of an ancient Darkness lay siege to the town's elders.
The eldest, Lord Kriton escapes to safety with a small band of young Isthiliens bearing old magic of Light.
Kriton must convince them to fight the growing darkness, unlock their own powers, and unravel the secrets of Estelan's past to fulfill the prophecy that can save their world.
When nothing is at it seems, these young warriors must make their own ways even if it means leaving the behind everything they have ever known.
Length: 262 pages
Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
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-- When Chris McCowan's fiancΓ©e, 24-year-old Sarah Eason, is killed during a bizarre robbery near Austin, Texas, an unlikely trio teams up to find those responsible for her death.
The trio, Chris, a 31-year-old computer science professor, Percy "Tex" Thompson, a 40-year-old wheelchair bound ex-con student of Chris', and 65-year-old head librarian Liz Siedo, pool their talents to find the criminals after local law enforcement agencies have given up.
Chris wants an eye for an eye even if it means giving up God and the church where he and Sarah were to be married.
He sets out to learn the tricks of the trade from his ex-con student, all while continuing to teach and coming to terms with his grief.
Angela, who claims to be an FBI agent, joins the Vengeance Squad to help the three find the killers.
Length: 266 pages
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-- Marci Thompson always knew what life would be like by her 30th birthday. A large but cozy suburban home shared with a charming husband and two brilliant children. A celebrated career as an established writer, complete with wall-to-wall mahogany shelves and a summer book tour. A life full of adventure with her friends and family by her side.
Instead, Marci lives alone in 480 square feet of converted motel space next to a punk rock band, hundreds of miles from her friends and family. She works in a temporary accounting assignment that has somehow stretched from two weeks into nine months. And the only bright spot in her life, not to mention the only sex she’s had in two years, is an illicit affair with her married boss, Doug. Thirty is not at all what it is cracked up to be.
Then the reappearance of a cocktail napkin she hasn’t seen in a decade opens a long-forgotten door, and Marci’s life gets complicated, fast. The lines between right and wrong, fantasy and reality, heartache and happiness are all about to get very blurry, as Marci faces the most difficult choices of her life.
Length: 268 pages
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-- You're ready to bake and suddenly you can't find one of the ingredients in your pantry that is specified in the recipe.
Don't give up - use this short guide to locate a substitution and you'll avoid having to run to the market.
If you're using a recipe written with foreign measurements, you'll be able to convert them in minutes.
Best-Selling Author Joyce Middleton brings you this handy guide on converting standard measurements such as tablespoons to ounces, cups to pints, ounces to a pound, cups to liters and what ingredient you can safely substitute in baking.
Length: 40 pages (estimated)
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- This was posted by Catherine on May 23, 2012 -
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