Free Kindle Books and Daily Deals - 5/16/12
Kindle Daily Deal: Daughters for a Time
-- When Helen Francis was a child, her mother died and her father walked out, leaving her to be raised by her older sister. Now thirty-five, married, and trying to start a family of her own, Helen has moved on but never really healed from her traumatic childhood.
She has always believed that a new baby would help fill the loss of what was taken from her at such a young age. After four years of trying to become pregnant, however, she is resigned to the fact that she will never be able to bear children.
Halfheartedly accepting adoption as an alternative, Helen gradually embraces and grows excited over the prospect. And when her new baby is finally in her arms, true happiness washes over her. But her unimaginable bliss is dashed when she learns that Claire, the sister who raised and loved her throughout her childhood and adult life, has been diagnosed with cancer.
Length: 287 pages
NOTE: Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
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(Childhood Sweethearts Reunited)
-- They were inseparable until family conflict tore the teenaged sweethearts apart.
Nine years later, she turns up at his prestigious hotel with the paparazzi at her heels and the six-week-old daughter of her celebrity ex in her arms. She has nowhere left to run except back to the place where she left her heart.
Can they forgive the pain of the past, accept each other as they are now, and rediscover the childhood love that was snatched away from them?
Length: 131 pages (estimated)
Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.
NOTE - Not everyone has a Kindle, but if you're reading this message, you've probably got a smartphone, computer or iPad. Get a free Kindle Reading app and take a break from your world with free books! Available on your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.

-- AN ANTHOLOGY OF SHORT MYSTERIES ~ suspense/ghost/romance
In “The Bamboo Mirror” each story has a unique setting, always with a twist in the ending.
“The Bamboo Mirror” – Set in a 1960's Singapore boarding school, new girl Diana Rivers (The Diana Rivers Mystery Books) has an encounter with two mysterious children - Who are they? Mystery, suspense, ghost story.
“The Cast Party” - The lovely Linda, aspiring actress, has a devious plan. Will she be able to carry it out? Mystery/love
“Making A Right” - Sometimes two wrongs can make one! Retribution and suspense
“Rebecca With Two C's” - A poignant ghost love story. What is real?
“Summer Visitors” - Has Alex made the right decision? Is real life like this? Romantic suspense.
“Widow’s Weeds” – Maria visits her birthplace, Cyprus and meets Christos. After a whirlwind romance they get married. As time passes wealthy Maria questions herself. Has she made the biggest mistake of her life? If so, what will she do? Mystery suspense and murder.
Length: 164 pages
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-- The English Standard Version (ESV) Bible is an essentially literal Bible translation that combines word-for-word precision and accuracy with literary excellence, beauty, and depth of meaning.
The ESV Bible is equipped with an enhanced navigation feature. Kindle's index feature can be used to navigate directly to any verse. This feature is not supported on the Kindle 1 or any Kindle applications.
This edition includes cross-references within the text.
Length: 1328 pages
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The Breakfast, Snack, and Lunchbox Cookbook for Healthy Kids and Adults
-- This e-cookbook was created to encourage whole foods living for families, while offering ample alternatives to prepackaged meals and snacks.
Within you will discover 125 healthy recipes and over 100 full color photos for quick breakfasts, on-the-go snacks, and portable lunch items.
And of course, the recipes are kid-friendly (and adult-friendly!), easy, and delicious.
Length: 334 pages (estimated)
Click to read more
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!
- This was posted by Catherine on May 16, 2012 -
Yes, sometimes freebies are just for Canadian readers. Sometimes they are just for US readers. Sometimes even just for UK, Australian or European readers. I only find the freebies, I have no control over who the company can ship to. Canada is a different country, and I am Canadian, so that's why I search out and post as many Canadian freebies I can find.
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