Free Kindle Books & Daily Deals - 4/23/12
Jump to: Into the Black: Odyssey One - An Indecent Marriage - At Home Workout Routine - False Pretenses: A Novel - World War ll London Blitz DiaryKindle Daily Deal: Into the Black: Odyssey One
-- Beyond the confines of our small world, far from the glow of our star, lies a galaxy and universe much larger and more varied than anyone on Earth can possibly imagine.
For the new NAC spacecraft Odyssey and her crew, the unimaginable facets of this untouched world are about to become reality.
The Odyssey’s maiden voyage is an epic adventure destined to make history. Captain Eric Weston and his crew, pushing past the boundaries of security, encounter horrors, wonders, monsters, and people, all of which will test their resolve, challenge their abilities, and put in sharp relief what is necessary to be a hero.
A first-rate military science fiction epic that combines old-school space opera and modern storytelling, Into the Black: Odyssey One is a riveting, exhilarating adventure with vivid details, rich mythology, and relentless pacing that will leave you breathlessly awaiting book two.
Length: 587 pages
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-- The town of Bright River held too many sad memories for Jessica Portman.
She’d returned for one reason– to oversee the takeover of her ailing father’s mill by a rival company. She intended to finalize the deal and go back to Italy.
Then she met the owner of J.C. Enterprises, Jack Chabrol– the boy she’d left behind. Only Jack was no longer a boy; he was a man– a man bent on revenge.
He had never forgiven Jessica for leaving him to marry someone else, nor had he forgotten the love they’d once shared.
Jack was determined to possess Jessica, and she had only one defense against his anger: her love.
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(Secrets of Roux River Bayou)
-- Zoe Broussard loves the life she and her husband Pierce have built in her beloved Louisiana hometown—especially their popular brasserie Zoe B’s, to which folks drive all the way from Lafayette for lunch or dinner. It seems like heaven.
But it’s about to become hell. A series of anonymous notes is making her life a misery—because Zoe has a secret so terrible it could leave the business in shambles and tear her marriage apart. Can she find the courage to face her past?
The first in a new series from Kathy Herman, False Pretenses is a gripping suspense novel that leaves a lasting impression about honesty and accountability.
Length: 387 pages
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(A Woman's Revelations Enduring War and Marriage)
-- As war rages on all around you, it can be hard to cope with the pressures of warfare.
World War II: London Blitz Diary is a diary of Ruby Side Thompson as she tells her story of living under the pressure that the Luftwaffe put on London during the countless bombings throughout the war, pushing England to the brink of destruction.
A personal story of a mother trying to keep her life together along with simple survival, World War II is a choice pick, not to be overlooked
Length: 215 pages
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-- When you think of health and what it takes to stay and feel young, what images come to mind?
Trust me... I thought the same things too.
In fact I believed in these myths so much that I literally beat myself up to the point of constant irritating pains and near injuries - jogging for miles, lifting weights to tear, repair, only to tear my muscles again.
That is...until I began the At-Home Workout Routine and discovered these life altering secrets about health and fitness.
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- This was posted by Catherine on April 23, 2012 -
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