Free Kindle Books & Daily Deals - 4/19/12
Jump to: The Black Stiletto - Amaranth - Yellow Crocus: A Novel - ANYTHING HE CAN DO... (A Woman's Guide To Home Repair) - Savage CinderellaKindle Daily Deal: The Black Stiletto
-- While caring for his elderly, Alzheimer's-stricken mother, Martin Talbot discovers her cached diaries.
Reading through them, he's stunned to realize that his mother may be the mysterious, deadly vigilante of yesteryear, the Black Stiletto.
Martin doubts the accounts until one of the Black Stiletto's most vicious enemies returns for revenge.
Length: 286 pages
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(The Resistance Trilogy)
-- Knowledge changes everything…
Hoodoo-influenced Southern Louisiana seems like the perfect place for Camille to relocate and escape her abusive past. She didn’t expect to fall in love and plummet herself into the world of Amaranth, a place of exile for reformed vampires.
Thanks to her deadly vampire ex-boyfriend, she’s confronted with decisions that not only threaten her life but the lives of her inhuman friends that she has come to love.
Entangled in her friends’ quest for freedom, she dives into their realm and faces the threats of the ruler of Amaranth—the mother of all vampires—and her own inner demons.
Will she derail her life and make the ultimate sacrifice for the very monsters that interrupted her bumpy path back to sanity—the one she wanted so desperately in the first place? Or will she find a way to escape with her vampire love before it’s too late?
Length: 245 pages
NOTE: Try for free - sample the beginning of this book for free
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-- In 1837, Lisbeth Wainwright is born to the white mistress of a sprawling Virginia plantation. Seconds later, she is delivered into the arms of her black wet nurse, Mattie. For a field hand like Mattie, her transfer to the big house is supposed to be considered an honor—except that the move tears Mattie away from her beloved grandfather and her infant son, Samuel.
But Mattie is a slave, with no say in the matter, and so she devotes herself to her master’s daughter, though she longs to be raising her own child. Growing up under Mattie’s tender care, little Lisbeth adopts the woman’s deep-seated faith in God, her love of music and black-eyed peas, and the tradition of hunting for yellow crocuses in the early days of spring.
This compelling historical novel chronicles young Lisbeth Wainwright’s coming-of-age during one of the most difficult chapters of American history. Lisbeth’s powerful bond with Mattie makes her loss of innocence in the face of society’s ugly secrets all the more heartbreaking, and yet it is the courage she learns from her stand in mother that enables Lisbeth to blaze a new path for herself. Yellow Crocus offers moving proof of how the greatest social change often blooms forth from small personal acts of love.
Length: 240 pages
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(A Woman's Guide To Home Repair)
-- Whether you're a married woman or a single woman, living in a house or an apartment this guide is the one for you.
Let's face it, we generally get frustrated, stressed and depressed because our man (our husbands, boy friends, etc...) doesn't do what we want when we want it done.
Then we have the brilliant idea to call upon yet another; the repairman, only to wind-up even more frustrated, stressed and depressed because he charges ($$) like a bull. When the simple solution would be to learn to do for ourselves. It's not as difficult as you may think or may have been led to believe.
If I can do it; so can you.
So take the time to take the necessary steps to prepare yourself and join me in the wonder world of "DIY".
Length: 10 pages (estimated)
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-- Eighteen year-old Brinn Hathaway has survived alone in an abandoned cabin in the High Country of North Georgia since she was a child. If her life is lonely and less than complete, at least she is safe from the man who kidnapped her, held her captive, and left her for dead in a shallow grave in the mountains.
She believes that her parents are dead, the police are her enemy, and that if she returns to the world, her tormentor will find her. With the help of some unlikely friends, she has what she needs to survive, but is surviving enough?
Life takes a turn when a young nature photographer, Justin Spencer—in pursuit of the fabled Wild Child—captures her on film. While chasing the story of a lifetime, Justin is injured and Brinn comes to his rescue. The two build a tentative friendship, but with his own violent past, an abusive alcoholic father, and a mother he couldn’t protect, he must decide if proving himself is worth betraying the trust of the girl he has vowed to help.
Trust is a commodity that Brinn has been unable to afford. Can the kindness and gentle touch of a stranger break through the wall she has built around her heart? After half a lifetime of living in isolation and fear, Brinn must decide if leaving the safety of her remote cabin is worth the hope—and danger—that may await her.
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- This was posted by Catherine on April 19, 2012 -
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