Free Kindle Books & Daily Deals - 3/16/12
Kindle Daily Deal: Amazing Gracie: A Dog's Tale
-- In a dead-end job and mourning his dog's death, Dan Dye adopts Gracie, a deaf and partially blind Great Dane puppy.
He learns to cook to help Gracie thrive, and this act of love inspires Dye and his friend Mark Beckloff to start Three Dog Bakery, the successful international pet-food chain.
Length: 248 pagesKindle Daily Deal: Mrs. Tuesday's Departure
-- Natalie's younger sister, Ilona, married a Jewish man, putting both her and her young daughter, Mila, in peril; Natalie's twin sister, Anna, is losing her already tenuous hold on reality. As the streets of Budapest thrum with the pounding boots of Nazi soldiers, danger creeps to the doorstep where Natalie shields them all.
Ilona and her husband take the last two tickets to safety for themselves, abandoning Natalie to protect Anna and Mila from the encroaching danger. Anna's paranoid explosion at a university where was once a professor, sparked by delusions over an imagined love triangle, threatens their only other chance for escape. Ultimately, Natalie is presented with a choice no one should ever have to make;
which of her family will she save?
Length: 260 pages
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-- How do you catch a man who is never the same man twice?
That is the question posed in The Ninth Orphan, a new release conspiracy thriller novel...
An orphan grows up to become an assassin for a highly secretive organization. When he tries to break free and live a normal life, he is hunted by his mentor and father figure, and by a female orphan he spent his childhood with. On the run, the mysterious man's life becomes entwined with his beautiful French-African hostage and a shocking past riddled with the darkest of conspiracies is revealed.
Fast-paced, totally fresh and original, filled with deep and complex characters, The Ninth Orphan is a controversial, high-octane thriller with an edge. Merging fact with fiction, it illuminates shadow organizations rumored to exist in the real world.
Tackling genetic selection, mind control, secret societies and a chase around the globe, The Ninth Orphan also has a poignant, romantic sub-plot. The story contains the kind of intimate character portraits usually associated with psychological novels.
Length: 274 pages
-- Immigration is one of the most pressing issues on the national agenda. This accessible book provides biblical and ethical guidance for readers who are looking for a Christian perspective on the immigration issue. As both a Guatemalan and an American, the author has immersed himself in this issue and is uniquely qualified to write about it.
Drawing on key biblical ideas, he speaks to both the immigrant culture and the host culture, arguing that both sides have much to learn about the debate. This timely, clear, and compassionate resource will benefit all Christians who are thinking through the immigration issue.
Length: 176 pages
-- Dark Night of the Moon, a paranormal wolf shifter, is the sequel to Holding on to Heaven.
Creed Gatlin flees to Arizona intent on eradicating the haunting memories of his brother’s wife. Brand Gatlin, presumed dead, resurfaces after a long absence and with his re-emergence, the destinies of those he loves is altered forever
In a land rife with war and danger, Sage must travel to the village of her husband’s People. There, she is reunited with Crooked Back, the ancient healer. On the long trek back to Full Circle, devious plots are underfoot and peril lurks around every corner for Sage, Lauren and Peter Pa.
Dark Night of the Moon will take you on an unforgettable journey of war, violence, overwhelming grief, and finally, love.
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- This was posted by Catherine on March 16, 2012 -
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