Free Money - Cash Texts (ALL)
Cash Texts is a dynamic "get-paid-to" program that is absolutely 100% free to join!
Imagine earning money just for getting text ads on your phone!? You are NOT even obligated to open and read each offer to get paid, but chances are you will discover some irresistible daily deals in your area.
Discounts on that show you wanted to see, deals at your favourite store, money saving coupons at your favourite restaurants - and more!
Each time you get one of their text message offers you earn five cents! If you see something that looks intriguing or appealing to you, simply access the offer from your smart phone or enter the offer code at At any time you can pause receiving text message deals and resume later with a simple flip of a switch in your back office.
You control how many, and what kind of text ads you receive - choose from your favorite categories:
Automotive, Health & Wellness, Food & Drink, Shopping, Beauty, Entertainment, Sports, Business Opportunities, Freebies, Luxury Marketplace, Computers and Internet, Finance, Insurance, Community, Travel, Events, Activities.
Refer your friends! What if you could also get paid five cents any time your friends get a text message from them, and from anyone they refer as well! This is a start-up company that you can get in on the ground floor!
To make things even more exciting, you could also possibly win one of their weekly cash prizes if you do click on an offer. Prizes are randomly pre-assigned every time a text message blast goes out. If you happen to open one of the specially coded messages you will be notified immediately of your prize-winnings.
In which countries can members receive text messages?
Right now this is only available in the USA. But, as they expand further, they will open up to members with mobile phone service in Canada and the UK.
Can people in other countries join and earn money?
Yes! Even if you do not live in one of the countries where they can text you offers, you can still promote cashtexts and earn commissions on your group texting volume (GTV). You can also earn commissions if you bring them an advertiser!
Can I make money with Cash Texts if I don't have a cell phone
Yes! Even if you do not have a cell phone where they can text you offers, you can still promote cashtexts and earn commissions on your group texting volume (GTV). You can also earn commissions if you bring them an advertiser!
So what are you waiting for? It takes less than two minutes on average to register your mobile phone number with Cash Texts, or to verify your email address for international members.Click for more info/to sign up
OR - text the phrase cashtexts 47410 to the number 69302
Got a business to advertise??
As an advertiser, how would you like to be able to reach out instantly with an SMS text message offer to thousands of potential new clients? Well, with Cash Texts you can!
Nowhere else can you get such an instantaneous and cost-effective ROI of your advertising dollars as with SMS text message marketing! Experience the power and the immediacy of SMS marketing for a fraction of the cost of direct mail, and realize that SMS marketing is also very competitively priced against pay-per-click advertising models.
Click for more advertiser info/to sign up
(US only)
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!
- This was posted by Catherine on January 7, 2012 -
Remember, doesn't give out the freebies, I only post the freebies I find on the net. To increase your chances of the freebies arriving in your mail, you could stick to the offers from the larger companies (i.e.: Wal-Mart, P&G, Kroegers, Sam's Club, etc.). However, lots of readers post on the Frugal Freebies forum saying they can't believe the amount of free stuff they've received in the mail, even though not every freebie will turn up from the other sites posted.
Click for more quick freebie tips
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Category: article, CDN, free money, US, worldwide