
December 20, 2014

What Are Your Christmas Traditions? (ALL)

Image: Magic BearsWe have a family tradition of Christmas bears - little stuffed bears that would move about the house when the boys were not looking.

The bears always showed up on December 1st, and would hide around the house over the days before Christmas.

The bears would never move if the boys watched them.

But when the boys would get wild and starting to fight, I would get them to look for the bears, and it seemed to help distract them enough.

On Christmas Eve, the bears always found their way onto our Christmas tree.

I been told these little elves are another great way to get small children to behave before Christmas.

Image: The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition with Blue Eyed North Pole Pixie-ElfThe Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition with Blue Eyed North Pole Pixie-Elf
-- Year after year, children and adults alike are baffled by the mystery of how Santa really knows who’s been naughty or nice.

After much urging by the elves and Mrs. Claus, Santa has allowed his biggest secret to be revealed in The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition.

Touted as “The best thing since The Night Before Christmas” this gift set includes a light skin, blue eyed North Pole pixie-elf, hardbound children’s book and keepsake box.

Children can register their elf online and receive a special response from Santa.

• Tradition the whole family can enjoy
• Timeless classic
• Touted as the best thing since The Night Before Christmas
• Fun-filled tradition with a lifetime of memories
• Perfect gift for everyone on your Christmas list

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