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25,000 Facebooks Fans = $100 in Canadian Coupons (ENDED)

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Monday, November 14, 2011 | 36 comments

25,000 Facebooks Fans = $50 Amazon Gift CardWe now have over 25,000 Facebook Fans and it's time we did a whole bunch of giveaways!

ANNOUNCING OUR SIXTH PRIZE-- One lucky Frugal Freebies readers will win $100 worth of Canadian coupons!

Trading Post Coupons has provided $100 worth of Canadian coupons - with expiry dates of 2012 & beyond, including many with No Expiry Dates. The winner would be welcome to send in your Wishlist and Elaine will do her very best to send what you are looking for, otherwise, it will be a wide variety of coupons.

Trading Post Coupons - This group is for Canadians looking for ways to save money. We talk about coupons, trade coupons, share coupons (often by RAOK). We talk about best shopping deals, contests to enter, refunds or rebates to request, freebies to request. We have Coupon Trains running all over Canada bringing a wide variety of coupons right to your mailbox! We enjoy friendships started in the group by sharing what we know about ways to save money. Our motto is "Saving by Sharing". This group started in 2003. Members can post their Wishlists and/or Tradelists to Files within the group. We currently have over 270 members and we always welcome new members!

This contest is now closed.

Announcing the winner! There were 38 entries, with one (1) winners. The winning number is #13 - Angela Friesen. Congratulations!

Category: , ,


About Catherine: I have been writing frugal tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three sons, who are all grown up - and re-married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and Bella, the cat.

Questions? Email me at catherine (at) frugal-freebies.com or post to my Facebook Fan Page!

Check out our Frugal Freebies Deal groups for more fun, frugal tips, freebies and money-saving deals!FrugalFreebies VIP Deals!Frugal Freebies Canadian Deals!Free eBooks Club

NOTE: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy.

Please Note: I make every effort to check the validity of all outgoing links at the time of posting, but I am not responsible for any content outside of this website. Please browse carefully. I have provided these links to other websites for your convenience only; I am not responsible for the availability of these other websites nor the freebies/coupons/information they offer.

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  1. Kathleen says:

    Would love this freebie!!!! Please!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I signed on today,so hope know I can start to get some freebies. Thanks

  3. kolagirl says:

    Yes! I signed up to Yahoo so I could sign up to Trading Post Coupons!!
    kolagirl (at) hotmail (dot) ca

  4. kolagirl says:

    of course I follow Frugal Freebies on Facebook!!!
    kolagirl (at) hotmail (dot) ca

  5. kolagirl says:

    I found this giveaway on Facebook!!
    kolagirl (at) hotmail (dot) ca

  6. Rachael says:

    I follow you on Facebook!!

  7. Rachael says:

    I Stumbled Frugal Freebies!!

  8. Rachael says:

    I found this contest on your Facebook page!

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    I follow you on Networked Blogs!

  10. Rachael says:

    I shared this contest on my Facebook Profile page.

    Rachael Russell Porter

  11. Rachael says:

    You've been circled on my Google+

  12. tammy d says:

    I follow on facebook
    precious_mb_angel (at) yahoo (dot) ca

  13. Anonymous says:

    joined trading post group on yahoo

    tycay200 at yahoo dot ca

  14. Anonymous says:

    following on FB :)
    tycay200 at yahoo dot ca

  15. Anonymous says:

    I heard about the contest on facebook

    tycay200 at yahoo dot ca

  16. KellyCooke says:

    Facebook follower!

  17. KellyCooke says:

    I found out about this giveaway on the facebook page :)

  18. I requested to join the Trading Post Group. I would've done it sooner if I had known about it :)
    I believe my username is stefaniemcm2


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  26. Anonymous says:

    looking forward to learning how to save

  27. Joined Trading Post Group as Anne-Marie T (Still Pending)

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  30. I am following on Facebook Networked blogs (Anne-Marie Tvete)

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    amt (at)telus (dot)net

  33. kolagirl says:

    Following Frugal Freebies on Twitter.

    kolagirl (at) hotmail (dot) ca


  34. kolagirl says:

    I am following frugal freebies on twitter.

    kolagirl (at) hotmail (dot) ca

    twitter name..... kolagirrrl

  35. kolagirl says:

    I posted this giveaway on Facebook.


    kolagirl (@) hotmail (dot) ca

  36. kolagirl says:


    TWEETED!!! TOO...

    kolagirl(@) hotmail (dot) ca

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