COUPON - $0.55 off Bagel-fuls (US)
SAVE $0.55 off any Kraft Bagel-fuls® (4ct).
Found on page two of Foods, using zip code 90210. You are allowed to print twice per computer.
Use your coupon to get a deal, such as:
Bagel-fuls® are $2.89 at Krogers - after the coupon they would cost $2.34.
Or use your coupons to get the best deal, such as:
Recently Publix had them on for Buy One Get One free (BOGO) at $2.50.
Combine these two coupons:
• $0.55 off Bagel-fuls
• $0.55 off Bagel-fuls (IE) Printable FF
You only pay $0.70 each after coupons
- This was posted by Catherine on August 19, 2011 -
ALWAYS email companies when you have a problem, because you might just get something for your time! But don't forget to ALWAYS send them your positive feedback as well, because they might reward you for taking the time to offer a compliment.
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