Free Book: Hercolubus or Red Planet (ALL)
The book ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’ is a warning to Humanity about the proximity to Earth of Planet Hercolubus, also called Nibiru or Planet X. This is a gigantic planet whose great gravitating power will provoke in our planet multiple earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, etc., that will be increasing in intensity until provoking the total destruction of our civilization.
In this book, V.M. Rabolú describes the catastrophic events that will happen soon to all of us, some of which we are already witnessing, and the necessary formula to escape from them.
Because of the immense importance of this universal message for humanity, the Association Alcione is sending by mail free printed copies of the book “Hercolubus or Red Planet” to any place worldwide.
There are translations to numerous languages.
Click for free book
- This was posted by Catherine on May 4, 2011 -
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