Winning Ways on Swagbucks 3/29/11
Today we are going to touch a little bit on Mobile Verification. This method is used to verify member accounts before a prize may be redeemed. This additional security measure is used to protect the Swag Bucks community from cheaters and potential hackers.
If you are required to complete mobile verification and you do have a cell phone, you will be prompted to enter your cellphone to complete either Mobile or Voice mail Verification. (Please keep in mind that your cell phone will only be used for this purpose and will not be distributed to any 3rd party.) Upon submitting your cell phone number, select Mobile or Voice Mail Verification.
New to Swagbucks? Check out Swagging for Dummies - it will help you learn to 'swag'!
(NOTE - This is not my work - this wonderful Swagbucks resource was compiled by Susie Bear, along with Ashley, Chelle, Stacey, Pamela T, Pamela M, Monica, Kelsey, Danielle, Jade, Sheryl, Delene, Deanna, Kathy, King Swagfred & Jodi)

Tyler posted - just did offer on radium one, 110SB just for filling out a one page form
Gabrielle posted - SuperRewards - Fast Auto Insurance Quotes - 30Sb
I just clicked through one of the companies which was Geico entered zip and closed windows. Little did I know, it credited a few hours later!
Magda posted - Slider -- Toms of Maine -- 2 Sbs -- Just click through to FB page.
Jean posted - RadiumOne>Free>Check out Tom's of Maine on FB for 2 sbs. Just "like" Tom's.......
Margaret posted - Easy offer worth 5 on SuperRewards. -Musicians! Win $100,000 Gear for Life Giveaway at zZounds- All it needs is an email address but It took a few hours to credit.
Jean posted - TapJoy>Jackson Hewitt> for 34sb just credited.....took about 1 1/2 hr. Followed directions and ended up in my email box and registered on "My Tax Manager". This offer just appeared on my wall today
Chanel posted - RadiumOne - Free product samples and savings - 27 sb's - credited instantly with email and zip.

Go in and vote on the Daily Poll everyday and you'll earn a bonus Swag Buck just for voting in that day's poll.
If you have an idea for a poll question, submit it to If they choose your question, you'll get 100 Swag Bucks!
Then be sure to do the following: NOSO for 2 SBs (No Obligation Special Offers), Survey Dashboard for 1 SBs and Toolbar for 1 SBs - every day!
Don't forget to play the SB games for at least 10 SBs a day
Watch Swagbucks TV for up to 75 SBs each day (3 SBs each when the meter reaches 100%, up to 25 times a day).
If you just do the above Dailies - you will earn a total of 90 SBs each day. That alone will earn you 32,850 SBs in a year's time = seventy-three $5.00 Amazon cards = $365.00 in FREE MONEY!
More ways to earn Swagbucks
- Folks who play for Swag Bucks will earn between 1 – 10 Swag Bucks per successful round. For the first month that this game is live, they will be awarding a lot of 50 and 100 Swag Buck wins
Swagbucks coupons
- earn 10 SBs every time you use them - so you can save money and earn SBs too! Print them out, hand them out to your friends, leave them on store shelves, donate them to women's shelters and food banks - and still earn your SBs!
-Earning Swagbucks for getting discounts is a happy double-bonus!
What? You haven't signed up yet??
Sign up today if you love free money! And if you join right now, enter the code HelpJapan during registration and earn yourself 50 additional Swag Bucks - that's a total of 80 SBs! This code expires at 11 AM PDT on Friday, April 8th - and you have to sign up thru the following link to use this special code.
Click to sign up to Swagbucks
(US/UK/Canada only)
Be cautious about where you give out your personal information. Don't provide any more information than you are comfortable with. Personally, I never give out my exact date of birth (you can change the month or date) or telephone number. (555 is a handy area code) Some go as far as getting a P.O. Box for their freebies.
Click for more quick freebie tips
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Category: swagbucks, winning ways