Winning Ways on Swagbucks 3/19/11
Don't miss the great coupons for Little Tikes toys on Swagbucks
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Save $10.00 on any Little Tikes® purchase of $100 or more!
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*Swag Bucks are only awarded for redeemed coupons. Will take up to 8 to 12 weeks after redemption for Swag Bucks to show in your account.
New to Swagbucks? Check out Swagging for Dummies - it will help you learn to 'swag'!
(NOTE - This is not my work - this wonderful Swagbucks resource was compiled by Susie Bear, along with Ashley, Chelle, Stacey, Pamela T, Pamela M, Monica, Kelsey, Danielle, Jade, Sheryl, Delene, Deanna, Kathy, King Swagfred & Jodi)

Yvette posted - Beauty Discount Club - 40-88% off retail prices!-41 sbs credited in a few minutes - on the slider
Kaycee posted - if anyone is looking for easy tasks, the ones worth 110 are simple and take about 20 minutes. Just make sure that on the one where it asks if there is a map if it doesn't have the words that are in quotes check no even if there is a map there. Hope this helps someone! Are there any other tasks out there that are relatively simple for the amount of bucks you get?
Jami posted - There is one for 24 SB that says "Answer a few questions about websites" It is only a 2 page survey with 3 links on each page to answer questions about. Took just a few minutes & 24 SB credited right away!
Jean posted - Payment>video for 2 SB - I did this one 15 times for 30 sb......
Meary posted - Tapjoy > Free > Reduce Credit Card Debt (39 SB) --- Filled out form on 1st page, clicked "Get Quote Now", credited immediately.
Yvette posted - superrewards-25 sbs-Champions Online by Atari i didnt download anything i just clicked download then clicked on the red x
Kayla posted - Tapjoy Reduce credit card debit Credits instantly for 39 fill out first page and click submit, then when it says "Get credit report" click on it and it SHOULD credit

Go in and vote on the Daily Poll everyday and you'll earn a bonus Swag Buck just for voting in that day's poll.
If you have an idea for a poll question, submit it to If they choose your question, you'll get 100 Swag Bucks!
Then be sure to do the following: NOSO for 2 SBs (No Obligation Special Offers), Survey Dashboard for 1 SBs and Toolbar for 1 SBs - every day!
Don't forget to play the SB games for at least 10 SBs a day
Watch Swagbucks TV for up to 75 SBs each day (3 SBs each when the meter reaches 100%, up to 25 times a day).
If you just do the above Dailies - you will earn a total of 90 SBs each day. That alone will earn you 32,850 SBs in a year's time = seventy-three $5.00 Amazon cards = $365.00 in FREE MONEY!
More ways to earn Swagbucks
- Folks who play for Swag Bucks will earn between 1 – 10 Swag Bucks per successful round. For the first month that this game is live, they will be awarding a lot of 50 and 100 Swag Buck wins
Swagbucks coupons
- earn 10 SBs every time you use them - so you can save money and earn SBs too! Print them out, hand them out to your friends, leave them on store shelves, donate them to women's shelters and food banks - and still earn your SBs!
-Earning Swagbucks for getting discounts is a happy double-bonus!
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Whenever you receive a freebie that leaks all over your mail - you should email the company and tell them. You might even get a full-size bottle of their product in compensation!
Click for more quick freebie tips
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Category: swagbucks, winning ways