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Winning Ways on Swagbucks 3/16/11

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Wednesday, March 16, 2011 | 0 comments

Winning Ways on Swagbucks
Through Special Offers, you can print out the Swagbucks Health Advantage Card for FREE! Just visit the Swagbucks Health Advantage Program page, read the information, and click the button that says Print Your Health Advantage Card Now.”

Once the PDF file opens, print it out, and cut it down to card size. Keep it in your wallet and show it at your local pharmacy! This program is 100% free! You don’t need prior health coverage, and there is no paperwork involved.

You don’t even have to be a Swagbucks member to use the card. Also, the card is not limited to one person – so feel free to use it for the whole family!


New to Swagbucks? Check out Swagging for Dummies - it will help you learn to 'swag'!

(NOTE - This is not my work - this wonderful Swagbucks resource was compiled by Susie Bear, along with Ashley, Chelle, Stacey, Pamela T, Pamela M, Monica, Kelsey, Danielle, Jade, Sheryl, Delene, Deanna, Kathy, King Swagfred & Jodi)


Swagbucks Special OffersIf you are having a hard time earning Swagbucks, here are some of the ways that you could win SBs besides searching and finding swag codes! Note that not everyone will have the same offers on their Special Offers walls.

Chanel posted - Gambit>Gilt Free>8 sb's>credited instantly with signup

Jean posted - RadiumOne>Free>Register Now & Get Free Coupons for 27 SB. After registering, the "list" appears....you must select 10 "yes". Next page you "skip" at the bottom or "pass" at the top.....just keep going until you come to the page with all the coupons. Credited immediately.

Valerie posted - RadiumOne - lots of 2 pt videos... go to the 2nd or 3rd page of free offers to find it. When one is done, X out and then pull it up again. I think I'm on my 5th time through...

Amanda posted - Special Offer for 17 on Tapjoy > Free - " Find Your Inspiration With This Amazing Application!" All I had to do was fb "like" the Office Max page after clicking through and it credited almost instantly.

Shelby posted - Slider>Register Now and Get FREE Coupons!>27 sb's>credited instantly

Chanel posted - SuperRewards>Save now on health insurance>25 sb's>credited in an hour

Lauren posted - Gambit>free>Lord of the Rings> 30 SB's. You just have to fill out the information and they credit before you have to download the file.

Jean posted - RadiumOne>Free>Want to Lose Weight for 27 SB - review info on page 1, click on Ali banner, submit valid info on pg 2 - paid in about 15 min.

Valerie posted - Gambit/Go RVing / put into, click thru 2 pages of survey stuff and before I even watched video it credited....38 SB

Chanel posted - PaymentWall>Take an RV vacation>30 sb's>credited in about 15 min.


Swagbucks DailiesHave you done your SB Dailys yet today - for an easy 5 SBs each day? Do you realize that makes an easy 1,825 SBs - or four $5.00 Amazon gift cards - in a year's time!?

Go in and vote on the Daily Poll everyday and you'll earn a bonus Swag Buck just for voting in that day's poll.

If you have an idea for a poll question, submit it to PollIdeas@Swagbucks.com. If they choose your question, you'll get 100 Swag Bucks!

Then be sure to do the following: NOSO for 2 SBs (No Obligation Special Offers), Survey Dashboard for 1 SBs and Toolbar for 1 SBs - every day!

Don't forget to play the SB games for at least 10 SBs a day

Watch Swagbucks TV for up to 75 SBs each day (3 SBs each when the meter reaches 100%, up to 25 times a day).

If you just do the above Dailies - you will earn a total of 90 SBs each day. That alone will earn you 32,850 SBs in a year's time = seventy-three $5.00 Amazon cards = $365.00 in FREE MONEY!


More ways to earn Swagbucks

Swagbucks Trivia Challenge on Facebook
- Folks who play for Swag Bucks will earn between 1 – 10 Swag Bucks per successful round. For the first month that this game is live, they will be awarding a lot of 50 and 100 Swag Buck wins

Swagbucks coupons
- earn 10 SBs every time you use them - so you can save money and earn SBs too! Print them out, hand them out to your friends, leave them on store shelves, donate them to women's shelters and food banks - and still earn your SBs!

Earning Swagbucks for getting discounts is a happy double-bonus!

Froobi Deals of the Day (US only)


What? You haven't signed up yet??

Sign up today if you love free money!

Click to sign up to Swagbucks
(US/UK/Canada only)

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About Catherine: I have been writing frugal tips since 1982, when I was a young divorced mom of two - for my baby product company, Born to Love. I am now mom to three sons, who are all grown up - and re-married to a wonderful man. We have rescued two little dogs, Denny and Dexter - and Bella, the cat.

Questions? Email me at catherine (at) frugal-freebies.com or post to my Facebook Fan Page!

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Please Note: I make every effort to check the validity of all outgoing links at the time of posting, but I am not responsible for any content outside of this website. Please browse carefully. I have provided these links to other websites for your convenience only; I am not responsible for the availability of these other websites nor the freebies/coupons/information they offer.

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