Japan Still Needs Help
Swagbucks is currently taking SB donations to aid in relief efforts for Japan in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that hit them two weeks ago.
As of yesterday afternoon they were up to a whopping 1,590,335 Swag Bucks contributed so far. That means they are surpassing a $14,000 donation! Because you guys are doing such a great and generous job, they want to extend the time frame of their fund.
The deadline now for donating Swag Bucks to Japan is Friday, April 8th. If you haven’t yet donated, open your hearts up to the people who truly need us. Donating a mere 5 Swag Bucks can help make a difference. And if you’ve been donating, keep it up! Every contribution is appreciated.
If you haven't joined Swagbucks yet, you could join now - it's an easy way to help and make a donation! And if you join right now, enter the code HelpJapan during registration and earn yourself 50 additional Swag Bucks - that's a total of 80 SBs you could donate today! This code expires at 11 AM PDT on Friday, April 8th - and you have to sign up thru the following link to use this special code.
Click to sign up!
(US/UK/Canada only)
- This was posted by Catherine on March 24, 2011 -
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Category: swagbucks