Free: $50 in Free Groceries (Canada)
Sign up to Lean Cuisine or Stouffers for a free account, so that you can enter your PINS (found inside product package) when you buy specially marked Stouffer's products - and earn up to $50 in free groceries!
Collect twelve (12) PINS and Stouffers will mail you :
♦ $15 in free NestlΓ© product coupons and
♦ $10 grocery gift card to the store you selected at registration.
You can receive two $25 rewards within the promotional period, so keep collecting. Limit 2 offers ($50 total) per email, per household. Offer expires May 3, 2011
Here is an example of what you can receive for your $25.00:
♦ a$10.00 Gift cards, redeemable at any grocery store, including Walmart.
♦ free NestleNoir or Mousse chocolate Bar, 100g
♦ Free Skinny Cow Ice Cream Multi pack
♦ Free Stouffers Bistro Entree
♦ Free Stouffers single serve entree
Click for more info
(Canada only)
- This was posted by Catherine on March 29, 2011 -
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