Canadian Friday Deals, Freebies & Coupons
Here is the list of great Canadian deals posted to the Frugal Freebies forum today - I don't want you to miss them!
HOT CDN FREEBIE - AMA's free Saturday Shredding Events are your opportunity to bring up to 6 boxes of personal documents for safe and immediate destruction and to learn other tips for preventing identity theft
HOT CDN FREEBIE - Aquafina - fill out your address and answer a few quick questions to get 2 free product coupons for their 10 calorie vitamin water! Look for the "Taste the Like" link in the left hand side of their page.
HOT CDN FREEBIE - Febreze NOTICEables scented oil warmer 1 pack or Febreze Noticeable scented oil warmer with decorative cover - mail-in rebate:
HOT CDN FREEBIE - Register to get 2 FREE bowling games for kids every day this summer -
HOT CDN COUPON - Save $5.00 off your next purchase of Nivea Q10 lotion and Good-bye Cellulite gel. Expires December 31/11.
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HOT CDN COUPON - Free Lysol Healthy Touch No-Touch Hand Soap System in the March 25 Smartsource.
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SWAGBUCKS - Like their Facebook Page & they will give you 5 Swag Bucks for doing it! More info:
HOT CDN COUPON - Save $1.00 on Cheerios cereal - by mail.
HOT CDN COUPON - $2.00 off your next purchase of any regularly priced Stayfree product. Expires December 31/11.
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Want the clean without the chemicals? Save $1.50 when you buy any one Green Works naturally-derived cleaners product.
Propre, oui; chimique, non! Γconomisez 1,50 $ Γ l’achat de tout produit Green Works, des nettoyants faits d’ingrΓ©dients dΓ©rivΓ©s de la nature.
HOT US/CDN COUPON - $5.00 Tangled Blu-ray combo pack coupon
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- This was posted by Catherine on March 25, 2011 -
Remember, doesn't give out the freebies, I only post the freebies I find on the net. So to increase your chances of the freebies arriving in your mail, you could stick to the offers from the larger companies (i.e.: Wal-Mart, P&G, Kroegers, Sam's Club, etc.). However, lots of readers post on the Frugal Freebies forum saying they can't believe the amount of free stuff they've received in the mail, even though not every freebie will turn up from the other sites posted.
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